Communicate (Comunicare)

8 months ago

Understand why I am never satisfied with the result.

Jumping happily on my limits, and coming to understand why internationalism has transformed into globalization, globalization into a consumer society, this one into a society of services and money, and closing the circle in the belief that vaccinated cosmopolitanism, controlled and digitalisation of megacities, with all the contradictions it expresses, will lead to a forceful revaluation of rural civilisations.

In true "don't waste time with people who convey nothing, or nothing positive" style.

Publications, Articles, Prints & Afterthoughts, print a novel, and realize that it needs integrations & inter-actions.

Ultimately thinking that what I write is the result of other people's thoughts that have "reached" to me is the pinnacle of sharing, synergy between two or more minds.

But this doesn't happen often.

Ultimately, thinking that there is nothing left to change, to improve, to dream about, means certain intellectual nemesis.

Do you really think that I would stoop to writing in homage to power just to have a minimum of visibility, or some small (or capital) recognition in some cheap literary review, financed by the state, or by the Sardinia region?

Do you really believe that in order to gain visibility he pushes hard on arguments that others would define as catastrophism or conspiracy?

I have within me a sacred respect for honor and truth, writing falsehoods in exchange for some state money, or some illusory literary hope, is not my style, I like myself like that, and I will never change my opinion.

All I need is a few comments from an excellent person who has focused my point of view, even if he or she may disagree.

The writers or artists who appear on television are for the most part people sold to power, like this slothful and dishonorable political or journalistic class.

Writing on the side of the people gratifies me, beyond my merits and abilities I carry on this activity with little hope of success, but with the certainty that what I write comes from within me, keeping in mind the many conditionings which, alas, also I suffer.

Writing upwind has its undeniable disadvantages, when an event is described in a totally different way from the stereotypes of power, you can even encounter some irreverent or sarcastic comments, the custodians of television truths are so convinced of their useless theses, that the boxed in are not themselves, but those who have the courage of their convictions against the current.

Reflecting carefully on this slime society, otherwise definable as a rabbit warren, I think that people are so stupid, or hypocritical, because fetension with its "cultural" excessive power has raped the concepts of honor, dignity, truth and justice from the vast majority of people.

And just as I don't concede anything to the power system, even more so I don't concede anything to the egregorized and leveled audience of the social web.

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