Michael Pento & Adam Taggart – The Middle Class Is Getting Destroyed -- Assets Are 40% Overvalued

8 months ago

****This is Good. ***We really should know what's coming. Read **Description below. *Share.

The Government has DESTROYED the Middle Class of the USA and they continue to do so, it was the plan and is the plan.

Every market crash since the Federal Reserve – the government just prints debt to get out of it temporarily until the next one, then they do it again.

Who pays for this debt creation? They say the “Wealthy” will pay for it. When we get real, it is the Middle Class who end paying and their standard of living continues to decline.

Why would they do this? The middle class makes of by FAR the Majority.

When the market crashes for good and they no longer can continue to create Debt because it will be impossible to ever become Solvent, they will introduce their new Financial System Idea.

This idea will sound like a better choice to the majority, the middle class. The middle class will accept their “solution.”

Market Indicators

As Bond Yields go Down there is an Inverse Correlation of Asset Prices – like Bond (Asset) Prices go Up.

Also – Bond prices also move inversely to interest rates. When interest rates rise, bond prices fall, and when interest rates fall, bond prices rise.

Unusual Market Indicators

Both Yields (Interest) and Assets are going UP.

Renters are no longer attempting to purchase a home because both Interest Rates and Houses (Assets).

40% of Renters report they believe they will never be able to afford to purchase a house.

Now we have a direct correlation with yields and assets both increasing at the same time.

This is making it impossible for young renters to even think about purchasing a house, if they do, they will be very fortunate to maintain payments as interest prices continue to rise, home prices continue to increase and TAXES & INSURANCE continue to Rise.

Not only that, it affects Rent Prices – as landlords are forced to significantly INCREASE rent.

Add this together and you have no one buying homes, which a DECREASE in demand and should result in LOWER home prices, lower interest rates, lower property taxes and lower home owners insurance.

It is not like this anymore. Today (2024) – it all is INCREASING.

It is a BAD situation for ALL parties involved. It is bad for the banks and bad for the people who need the loans.

Michael Pento says assets are overvalued by 40%.

It’s a crazy scenario we find ourselves in.

You have Short Term Treasury Bonds that are higher than long term. Inverse Relationship here.

We have Consumer Debt at an ALL Time High - $20 Trillion of Consumer Debt.

We have Corporate Debt at $13.7 Trillion – up 100% since 2007, when they began the QE – Quantitative Easing, which is a sure recipe for disaster down the road and we are now down the road.

Quantitative easing is a type of monetary policy by which a nation's central bank tries to increase the liquidity in its financial system, typically by purchasing long-term government bonds from that nation's largest banks and stimulating economic growth by encouraging banks to lend or invest more freely.

QE – just encouraged the banks to make many loans that simply won’t be able to be repayed down the road and yes, we are now down the road.

Proof – Corporate Loan Defaults have soared by 80% since 2023. $1.8 Trillion has to be refinanced by 2025.

Proof – There is a record $1.3 Trillion of Credit Card Debt – delinquency is up 100% since 2021.

Proof – Auto Loan Delinquencies are the Highest in a Decade.

78% of Americans are Living Paycheck to Paycheck.

40% of Renters report they believe they will never be able to afford to purchase a house.

Home Insurance up 70%.

Manufacturing Sector DECREASED 16 out of last 17 months.

Gross Domestic Income – DOWN big time since 2022.

Private Business Loans – (loans to business which can’t get a loan from a bank) were 100 Billion prior to 2007 crisis – now is a mind blowing $1.7 Trillion.

Personal & Corporate Bankrupts are up 19 Months in a Row.

Bank Loans & Money Supply are Contracting.

The Government has $1 Trillion of INTEREST Payments due in 2025.

In 2005 – total debt was 7.95 Trillion. Now we are paying $1 Trillion just for interest due in 2025!

Total Debt now – over $33 Trillion.

The National Debt is 733% of our Revenue. CRAZY! We are adding 40% to that YEARLY. Double Crazy!!

20% of ALL Revenue is spent on Interest Payments to a corrupt Cabal that uses that money against us.

These are all FACTS.

Do people realize what shape the USA is in?

Inflation has been visibly above 2% for 3 consecutive years – even with their corrupted fuzzy math.

Now inflation is getting out of control and going higher, even on their indicators. It really is MUCH, MUCH higher if they would include FOOD Prices – which they definitely should but that number would be too TRUTHFUL to how bad the Middle Class really is getting f*cked.

We are in so much trouble that the Federal Reserve is going to be FORCED to CUT Interest Rates when we have INFLATION going out of control.

We are in uncharted territory. We have been kicking this can down the road for decades and there is just no can left to kick.

We are to the point in which there will have to be some type of Financial Reset.

You can bet that “Reset” will involve Central Bank Digital Currency.

They may go back to some QE, which may kick the imaginary can down the road for one or two years but it will fail.

They have their own printing press so they can do this. Maybe they change their “Accounting” practices, who knows.

This was a PLAN.

You wonder why there is a BRICS? This is why. These countries are prepared for when this happens. Is the USA prepared??

The Gov is Insolvent.

The Banks are well on their way.

The FDIC – Federal Insurance Deposit Committee held a meeting on November 22, 2022 to discuss how the next market crash will occur and the steps that need to be taken to ensure everyone doesn’t run and take their money out of the banks at the same time.

These morons secure $9 Trillion worth of assets with only $125 Billion worth of assets.

They KNOW the entire Financial System is going to FAIL but they don’t want us knowing.

Here is that “Secret Meeting” these corrupt crooks had → FDIC Meeting – “They Have More Faith & Confidence in Banking System Than People in this Room Does” --

They say: "The Public doesn't have a Professional Need to Know."

Watch that one and you will see this all is a plan and they know what’s coming and have for a long time but are LYING to us.

Fed Chairman Jerome Powell’s job is to make it “APPEAR” that Banks are Solvent.

Michael Pento – says that the coming recession will begin as a disinflationary recession (reduction in inflation) which will turn into a Staginflationary (high inflation & high unemployment).

Michael Pento predicts that Powell will eventually try to get interest rates back down to 1% or even 0 and that there could be a housing crash.

So, maybe for the wise ones in the know, this will be the time to purchase if they are fortunate enough to have a full time good paying JOB.

Michael Pento: “We need massive interest rate reductions with a combination of QE and some ‘helicopter’ money – fiscal stimuli to bring the economy out of its death spiral.”

“Asset Prices have no place being where they are.”

The Home Price Ratio (average home price to average income price – years to pay off) was 2.8 in 2000 and now it’s 5.5.

That means it would take 5.5 years of tax free income to pay off the house imagining no interest.

This ratio has almost doubled since 2000 and interest rates and taxes are higher which is even more of a burden to the middle class.

Home Prices are simply UNAFFORDABLE.

When go into recessions like this, the Fed usually keeps rates too high for too long and it takes an entire year or two just to settle down.

BUT – when you have Stagflation while lowering interest rates, it is just a bad deal.

Stagflation -- persistent high inflation combined with high unemployment and stagnant demand in a country's economy.

You do not grow an economy with Government DEBT, that is the way you destroy the middle class and the economy.

EVERYTHING is overvalued by 40%, at least. The stock market and the housing market need to come down 40% just to match historical charts, relationships and correlations.

BUT – if this occurs and it probably will, that will wipe out 401 K’s, Pensions, the Consumers & the Banking System.

This would likely be worse than the Great Depression.

Or we can keep destroying the middle class and go on with this hyper inflation.

Our options are not great either way, but a depression for 5 years is better than destoying the blue collar working middle class.

The 10 year Treasury Note vs the 2 Year is now in the longest Inversion in History – meaning short term is more than long-term.

That is the ultimate Recession Predictor.

All of this because we adopted contracted with the Cabal Bankers in 1913 when we agreed to the Central Bank / Federal Reserve.

It was a System set up to STEAL MONEY from Americans. Period.

It was set up in the long-run, which we are in now, to leave America Insolvent holding the debt bag.

The idiots who agreed to this should have known this.

Study some history of Usury and it is the same ones keeping the charade up today and will be the same result.

There should be an interest rate cap of 2% and most should be 0% as if you study some history, this is what WORKS.

Productive LOW Interest Loans = a Productive Healthy Economy.

Inflation is a DELIBERATE Act on part of the Government that usually occurs when a Central Bank monetizes out of control government debt which destroys the confidence in a fiat currencies purchasing power.

Inflation is issuing insane amounts of debt that will not be paid back.

How do they usually stop this? By raising interest rates so the debt slows down. In other words, they punish the middle class who want to buy homes, cars and go to college.

Now we are in serious trouble as we are for the first time INSOLVENT – it’s going to get bad.

When the entire Nation’s Debt is 7 times Revenue, that is a MAJOR Concern. This means the USA would have to work for 7 years to pay this money back to the criminals at 0%. Which means NONE for us and ALL for them.

Once again, it’s a Fraudulent System set up to STEAL our money.

This could easily be fixed if we were UNITED and didn’t have all this Dem vs Repub charade bullsh*t. If we could all get on the same page and set up a new financial system for us the people and not them the cabal criminals America could be Great. Not great again, because the “great” is just referring to the 1950’s when it was easier to live off of one income and buy a home and vehicle – it may have been better, but we were still in the same financial prison system as we are today.

When the government monetizes debt to continue operations, that is a major red flag.

Monetizing Debt means the government prints money out of thing air by creating BONDS and selling them to themselves & selling them to Banks – thus increasing liquidity in the banks to make more idiotic loans and dig a deeper hole.

See the below video which explains how the system “works.”

***The Fraudulent Cartel Banking System Explained in Great Detail – It’s EVIL and It’s all FRAUD!! (One of the Best) -- https://rumble.com/v4fmwye-the-fraudulent-cartel-banking-system-explained-in-great-detail-its-evil-and.html

All of these economists are blaming the Fed Chairman, but the Federal Reserve Chairman is a pure puppet who doesn’t think much for himself or especially in the case of Janet Yellen, she is just a buffoon with multiple strings attached.

They just follow orders and the good ones are the ones who can craft some good verbal bullsh*t to dupe the people – like Alan Greenspan. Bernake was half way good at this but more vulnerable, to me anyway.

This was a PLAN. It truly was a LONG-TERM Plan.

Boyd Anderson was friends with a guy named Thomas who told him plans and some EXACT Dates when they were going to do this and if you haven’t heard of Boyd Anderson, check him out because what he said about the plan on raising interest rates happened almost to the very day and that was years before.

Here is a video on Boyd Anderson → ***Boyd Anderson – The New World will Come in 2025 -- https://rumble.com/v4eacbk-boyd-anderson-the-new-world-will-come-in-2025.html


***Interview With Boyd Anderson - The Man who Knows the NWO Plan

But isn’t it nice for a group of criminals to be able to Print Money out of Thin Air in the Form of “BONDS” and Force the Banks to BUY those Bonds from them?

It would be like the average person having a blank check and just writing a check to yourself and taking it to the Bank and telling them to cash it and demanding them to pay interest to you on it.

Deposits from the people are really just a loan to the bank anyway, very similar to how they acquire liquidity from the criminals in the form of bonds.

That is how these thieves operate.

The whole banking system is a Fraud.

These same criminals are behind BRICS because they know that dollar will get shaky and not be King much longer. But they will use it until it fails and then start over with the BRICS and just relocate the central location of power & wealth away from the USA.

Source: Adam Taggart – Thoughtful Money -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1yDcjq-0M8


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Thank You!!

END. 7/4/2024 – 9:00 PM

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