Walt Disney Television Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony (April 21, 1986)

8 months ago

In 1986 Walt Disney was inducted into the Television Hall of Fame. This NBC broadcast is kicked off with and intro famed Network President Grant Tinker. Actor/comedian Dick van Dyke then introduces/hosts a segment on Walt Disney's career. Van Dyke would go on to host and narrate several of Walt Disney history TV specials and documentaries. After an overview of Walt's life, Michelle Lee sings a song in Walt's honor accompanied by Walt Disney characters. Lee had been a co-star of the Love Bug. Walt Disney's widow, Lillian, accepts the award in Walt's honor. Lilly rarely made public appearances and this is what makes this segment so special. She is accompanied by two of their grandsons.

This is an extremely rare piece of Walt Disney history footage and it's an honor to have it here in our archive.

Original airdate April 21, 1986

Posted for historical purposes. This channel is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company.

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