Exotic Bird Ambushes Tourist Trying To Take A Picture

6 years ago

It is always cool to see wild animals and birds that you would not encounter in your real life. The family in this video is standing on a balcony of sorts and taking in an exotic bird that is hanging out on the railing. If you have not seen this bird before, we believe it is a black crowned crane. We will get into that bird in a few moments. But first, what happens.

The man filming the encounter tries to get his mom to pose with the bird. She gets up close to the bird and stands next to him for her pose. However, the bird has other ideas and starts pecking at the woman’s head. She has that older woman haircut that seems to look kind of like a grey or blue nest. I suppose, we shouldn’t be too surprised that this bird decided to investigate her head as she stood next to him. So, on to the bird. Black crowned cranes are a bird native to the savannahs of Africa especially in Sudan, Ethiopia and Kenya.

Unlike their grey cousins, the black crowned cane prefers dryer climates and are the only cranes that nest in trees. Apparently, other species of crane are incapable of nesting in trees. You might notice that this bird is quite large. They are usually about three feet long with a six foot long wingspan and they weigh six and eight pounds. In Kenya, these birds were protected by pastoralists who believed that the birds got rid of livestock pests and guarded water sources. There are currently between 40,000 and 70,000 individuals cranes in the world today.

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