Midnight Oblivion Pt 6: Disintegration of Fear.2

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Oops fucked it all by not checking audio. It had somehow disconnected without me doing anything.. Just had to unplug and plug back in because OBS dropped it. Audio comes on at 1:22:39... this is why we have brothers! yet again: Oops!
[net been fucked-retrying]

AUGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! You hear that? That is the sound of fear melting... the fear of eating multiple pounds of cheese and ice cream... the fear or drinking a gallon of milk in 20m... remember... courage is not the absence of fear... but pushing on despite it... B^} Gonna begin before midnight tonight, get some wild eating and partying in, and then sink into the chaotic and lullin' world of Oblivions Shivering Isles.. Happy 4th of July! Is our puppet country not the most adorable thing you have seen? Talk about a coochie coup... when Kamala gettin' put on that ticket mang?

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