VLOG 714: 12v power outlet for the van! (for cooler/freezer)

8 months ago

today we work on installing a 12 volt power outlet in the van, to power a new compressor-based cooler! summer is here, and staying COOL is important! this will allow me to keep cooling packs for my vest, and cold drinks on hand whilst out running around!

BougeRV cooler/freezer - - https://amzn.to/4bsrTsd (amazon associate link)
apparently the price went up a bit :^/ FYI some colors are cheaper!

Amazon wish list! - - https://www.amazon.com/registries/custom/1RWWUY4B8Z1H9/guest-view

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Mailing Address:
Totally Normal
1327 SE Tacoma St
Portland OR 97202

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