No Game Engine Game Dev: Word Sleuth 008: Animation and a partially failed refactor

8 months ago

Streamed on 2024-07-03 (

Game Engines are for sissies!

Slightly stream today.

I revisited the falling guess animation one more time today. This time it came together quite nicely. Sometimes you just need to let a task percolate in the back of your brain for a day or two while you work on something else.

We tackled a bug or two with the colors of letters in guesses. Nothing too big, but they needed to be fixed.

Next we tackled animating the color change of the letters in the chalkboard alphabet. We have some good options working, but there is still one or two animations I want to try before any final decisions. During this task we started down a long, dark, lonely road of refactoring some of the Scheduler/ActionSequence/Action things. Before we got very far I could see that it was the wrong path. The unnecessary parts were put back the way they were, but there was part of that refactor that was right and good, so we kept that. Just typical software development stuff.

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