Rise of al-Mu'tadid and death, | 15th Caliph of Abbasid Caliphate.

7 months ago

@islamichistory813 #AbbasidCaliphate #alMu'tadid #Caliph

Rise of al-Mu'tadid and death, 15th Caliph of Abbasid Caliphate.

Asslamoalaikum sisters brothers friends and elders, Today we are describing In this islamic informative and educational video, we delve into the rise of al-Mu'tadid, the 15th Caliph of the Abbasid Caliphate, and explore the events leading up to his reign. please be with us upto end of this video as we uncover the political landscape of the time and the challenges he faced during his rule.

Map of the Abbasid Caliphate in the final year of al-Mu'tadid's reign: areas under direct Abbasid control in dark green, areas under loose Abbasid suzerainty, but under autonomous governors or rebels, in light green

In 889, al-Muwaffaq fell out with his son, Abu'l-Abbas, for reasons that are unclear, and had him imprisoned. Al-Muwaffaq spent the next two years on campaign in the Jibal in what is now western Iran. By the time he returned to Baghdad in May 891, al-Muwaffaq was already nearing death. The garrison commander of Baghdad, and the vizier Isma'il ibn Bulbul, hatched a plot to keep Abu'l-Abbas imprisoned and allow power to pass to al-Mu'tamid. Therefore, they invited the Caliph and his son to come to the city, which they did. In the event, however, the attempt to sideline Abu'l-Abbas failed, due to his popularity with the soldiers and the common people: the soldiers set him free, and when al-Muwaffaq died on 2 June, Abu'l-Abbas immediately assumed his father's position.[25] Abu'l-Abbas assumed the title of al-Mu'tadid bi-llah and took his father's position in the line of succession after the Caliph and al-Mufawwad. The powerless al-Mufawwad was pushed aside on 30 April 892, and when al-Mu'tamid died on 14 October 892, "apparently as a result of a surfeit of drink and food" (Hugh N. Kennedy), al-Mu'tadid took power as caliph

So friends tomorow inshaAllah in this same time we will be described Biography of Abu al-abbas Ahmad ibn Talha al-Muwaffaq (Mutadid Billah)16th Caliph of Abbasid Caliphate.

Allah Hafiz

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