Legacy of Al-Mutazz | 13th Caliph of Abbasid Caliphate

3 months ago

@islamichistory813 #legacyofalmutazz #abbasidcaliphate

Legacy of Al-Mutazz 13th Caliph of Abbasid Caliphate

Asslamoalaikum sisters brothers friends and elders, Today we are describin Discover the fascinating legacy of Al-Mutazz, the 13th Caliph of the Abbasid Caliphate, in this islamic informative and educational video. Learn more about his reign and the impact he had on Islamic history. please be with us upto end of this video and the history of this influential leader and gain a deeper understanding of the Abbasid Caliphate. Don't miss out on this informative video that sheds light on the legacy of Al-Mutazz.

Despite his efforts to strengthen his position and restore control over the military, al-Mutazz's reign is marked by instability and insecurity, and by his ultimate failure to subdue the military. This weakness in the center fed the centrifugal tendencies already evident in the Caliphate's provinces. In Egypt, the talented Turkish commander Ahmad ibn Tulun was appointed governor in 868 and proceeded to establish the autonomous Tulunid dynasty. Although it fell to the Abbasids in 905, the Tulunid regime had established Egypt as a distinct political entity for the first time since the Pharaohs. Restored Abbasid rule proved volatile; another local dynasty, the Ikhshidids, took power in 935, followed by the country's conquest by the Abbasids' rivals, the Fatimid Caliphate, in 969. In the east, Alid uprisings weakened Tahirid rule, and led to the establishment of a Zaydi state in Tabaristan, under Hasan ibn Zayd. At the same time, Ya'qub ibn al-Layth al-Saffar began his assault on the waning Tahirids, which would lead him to control over the eastern provinces of the Caliphate, and even an unsuccessful attempt to seize the caliphal throne itself in 876. Closer to home, Kharijite revolts shook the Jazira to the north, and in the south, around Basra, the first stirrings of the great Zanj Rebellion began.

So friends tomorow inshaAllah in this same time we will be described Biography of Abu Ishaq Muhammad Ibn Al-Wathiq 14th caliph of Abbasid Caliphate.

Allah Hafiz

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