3 upgrades for your Springfield Prodigy 4.25" and 5" Hi-Cap 1911, 1911 DS and 2011 Style Pistols.

8 months ago

First thing! 1911DS, Hicap 1911s, and 2011s are not made from "drop in" parts. Even the less expensive guns still have a lot of hand-fitted parts in them. The following are a few things that require little or no skill to modify. Ask yourself, "Should I?" before starting.

1) Get some great feeding magazines from Atlas Gunworks. These will improve feed, and lockback performance, plus they look rad!
2) Toolless guide rod - anyone can do this!
3) Trigger Shoe and Bow - Watch the video we published on fitting a trigger in a Springfield Prodigy
4) Safeties - We recommend a gunsmith for this fitted part

Originally posted to YouTube 1/8/2023

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