Planned Parenthood Transports Children Across State Lines w/o Parental Knowledge

2 months ago

Transporting children across state lines without parental permission is kidnapping and a federal offense. And yet, Biden's DOJ is ignoring these crimes.

“We never tell the parents anything.” - Managing Director, Missouri

“How many times did you do this a year? Girls coming out of the state, oh, every day.”

“We set up hotels for them. We set up, every day, every day. We never tell her parents anything”

“They have people that will come pick her up”

“All within Planned Parenthood?”

“Uh-huh. Doesn't matter if the school agrees or not”

Project Veritas “While abortion is prohibited by state law in Missouri, this has not stopped Planned Parenthood from providing every necessity for young girls to be transported across state lines for an abortion”

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