I’m not religious, all books are man made but you can’t tell me there’s no truth in this.

7 months ago

Remember the saying. “God don’t like ugly” it’s written in the scriptures. Humans think they are doing right but the reality is not, most are clearly Doing wrong… living an inverted lifestyle. That backwards flipped upside down lifestyle. Far from righteous.

It’s time to stop living in fantasy world… it’s time to see evil for what it really is.

It’s time to wake up…

Educational Purposes Only..!

Know Who The Real Enemies Are, Corruption And Criminalization’s At Its Highest And Finest..


🚨 #PayAttentionAndListen #IfYourMindProgrammedThisNotForYou #ThisTheInformationTheyDontWantUsToKnow #WeInAInformationalWarefareRightNow #WeInASpiritualWarefareRightNow #DontBeASheeple #DontLetThemDistractYouFromWhatsReallyHappening #WeStillInModernDaysSlavery #FuckTheSystem #FuckTheElites #TruthOverRich #FactsOfOurLifes 👁✊🏾👍🏾💯

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