Silver Gemini Moon Energy Vlog

7 months ago

Silver Gemini Moon Energy Vlog Title is from the date July 3,2024 thus #18 the Moon with its intuition and illusion it is in the sign of Gemini. Silver is from the4 video clips of the Beyond the Vault With bill holter and andy Schumann interviewed by Jean claude of Beyond Mystic on Rumble. They spoke of the manipulation of the metals market to our detriment. It looks like silver may indeed got to the moon over fifty dollars thus a great investment especially since they are predicting out there oof over a 100 dollars per ounce. Silver at 30.25 an oncue is stil a good buy since it is unlikely to go any lower than that and may go as high as fifty dollars soon.

The Schumann Resonance today Disclosure news showed us two amplitudes. The s first a power of 24 at 7:310 AM UTC thus the wheel of fortune points to the lover karmic relationship only with love can they weather the karmic change. The second amplitude power of 18 at 8:25 AM UTC thus the Devil uses the Moon;s illusions to lead us astray. The quality a power of 21 thus the world or universe card The return of the prodigal child. Teh completion of sthe Hero's journey, It brings all the abundance we can hold. The frequency average is 7.75 hertz thus # 19 teh Sun card the Driver of the CO2 to oxygen cycle thus life on this planet. It is abundance and strength that it gives.

Therefore we can say: The Silvery oon of gemini shine upon the Lovers taking a stroll around the world during the summer of the Sun in Cancer. I Went with the archangel Metatron's Self Mastery oracle deck. the first was the archangel Sandalphon card Metastron female aspect She who sooths us with her melodic songs. The second card is Clarity telling usto go within to find our god spark our inner wisdom.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure news site:
Space Weaterh Site:
JC Beyond mystic Beyo9nd the Vault show on

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