STAR TREK - "The Klingon Anthem

7 months ago

This is "The Klingon Anthem" from the pre-Kahless-era, sung in the protolanguage(!!) of the Klingons. ;)

This is only a joke-music to STAR TREK!!!!!!
The song text is not in "real" klingonese language, is only nonsense (invited by myself).
I was inpired by STAR TREK 6 "The Undiscovered Country", so the music sounds very russian- that's intention.
Sometime you hear the original klingon-disruptors (saluts) from the classical series.
Btw, in Germany the "klingon disruptors" were dubbed as "klingon phasers" ("Klingonen Phaser").

I've made this, at a time, where nobody has thought about a klingon-anthem, in 1995!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whatever you heard about a klingon-anthem: there's NO(!!!) really real KLINGON ANTHEM in the past and in the present!!! So, this here seems to be the very first anthem of the KLINGONS!! Made in the "pre-Kahless"-era!! ;))))
There is NO (!!!!!!!!!!!) real and official (!!) anthem to the Klingons from the PARAMOUNT Pictures!!! The so called "Klingon War Song" isn't also the official "Klingon Anthem" - actually, although it sounds - my opinion - like a hymn!! No doubt!!
Thanks so much!

I don't want talk too much about it. Only please enjoy this music, and naturally...with a smile.........

Volker H.

© 1995 by Volker L. Holz

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