Darkcel Forever | Episode #15: The "Just Go Touch Grass, Bro!" Fallacy

5 months ago

"Just go touch grass, bro!" - a b.s. phrase, terminology that persists on the interwebs from condescending pricks to egg-on and trash those that don't conform to the so-called "proper" way of living life; usually only experienced by boomers and the genetically superior humanoids we call "normies". The fact of the matter is, whether you take the phrase as a joke or reality-based, the majority of Zoomers and those that actually live in the real modern world will tell you that the outside world of the interwebs is nothing to lose sleep over. Why? Because, simply, humans of modern times are not worth talking to or having any sort of interaction with in the first place, therefore, how would one gain positive experience if everyone is an anti-social retard?

And that's the thing, right? Historically, the majority led the social norm and so if an entire generation decides to be "anti-social", then ironically enough, being pro-social and "touching grass" is actually considered the activity of an outcast, a loser, a nobody... the weirdo of society. Ain't that a kicker?

#darkcel #incel #podcast #manosphere #episode15 #justgottouchgrass #touchgrass #inceldom #mstow #blackpill #darkpill #darkceldom #fallacy #condescension #antisocialbehavior #asocial #loner #cavedweller #basementdweller

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