What’s holding you/me back? Mindset - a cliche but the bedrock of all success.

6 months ago

**Always seek help from a doctor or qualified professional first **

My opinion only…

If there’s something that’s holding you back, a memory that’s persistently bothering you for example l, it would suggest that it is unresolved junk in your subconscious/conscious.

Essentially it could be a warning from the mind/brain that all is not well.

As much as is possible, I recommend considering going back and resolving it.

This may be tough and require the held of a paid professional. It may require someone to hear you out, share what happened, to ask God for strength to forgive (don’t mistake this for agreeing with the wrong that happened), to process it and let it go.

Give yourself time and grace to work through it.

Be sure to choose carefully the right phase in your life to go back and resolve any ‘big rocks’.

The payoff can be huge.

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