What are the ten money habits which are hurting my relationships? | Ask Ralph Podcast

7 months ago

Are money problems putting strain on your closest relationships? Do arguments over finances leave you feeling stressed and disconnected from loved ones? Money is a common source of conflict for many couples. However, there’s a way to overcome this challenge completely and have a strong and enjoyable relationship with your partner. Listen to this episode of the Ask Ralph podcast, where host Ralph Estep Jr. shares lessons from his mistakes to help you avoid repeating harmful habits. Discover the top money moves wrecking relationships and exactly what to do instead. Find out how better communication, budgeting as a team, and showing gratitude can lift burdens and bring you closer together.


00:00 Episode Overview
00:28 Welcome Back to Motivational Monday
02:04 Bible Verse
02:42 10 Money Habits That Could Be Sabotaging Your Relationships
07:42 Build A Stronger Relationships
09:43 Heal From Your Past Financial Mistakes
10:55 Episode Recap
05:51 How to avoid scams?
07:39 Episode Recap
08:12 Outro

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