Breakfast with the Risen One

3 months ago

The Gospel of John records four different occasions when Jesus appears as the resurrected one. Three times he appears with his disciples. This time it's substantially different from the other times that John records. Come see what the difference is when the disciples have breakfast with the risen one.

Sermon Notes
John 21:1 Jesus appears to His disciples again
John 21:2 & 3 Peter with 6 other disciples agree to go fishing, but catch nothing
John 21:4 & 5 Jesus on the beach asked knowing they had caught nothing said to them “.. you do not have any fish do you?” and they answer no
John 21:6 Jesus tells them to cast their net on the right-hand side of the boat and you will find a catch. They did so and caught so many they could not bring the net into the boat
John 21:7 John recognized Jesus, told Peter and Peter put his outer garment back on and jumped into the sea
John 21:8 The rest of the disciples brought the boat and the fish back to land
John 21:9 Jesus already had a charcoal fire with fish
and bread and ask them to bring some of
the fish they had caught
John 21:11 Peter went to help draw up the net and there were 153 fish, but the net had not torn
John 21:12 Jesus feeds them breakfast. This is the third time Jesus had appeared to them

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