Bill of Rights: Lesson 1

8 months ago

In this episode we talk about Romans 13 and its teaching of subjection to government and explore the idea of natural rights, and discuss aspects of the first amendment.

For your convenience we have provided chapters for you:

0:00 Episode Overview
1:20 Introduction
2:44 The idea for this episode
11:56 Subjection to Government
16:05 Self-Government
17:31 Desiring Law and Order
19:21 Government is good for humanity
21:17 Evil is real and forever part of our world
22:07 Why do we have a Bill of Rights
23:56 Natural Rights
41:07 The Bill of Rights does not limit your rights
43:41 Why are the Bill of Rights important?
45:11 First Amendment
54:12 Thinking about the “Christianizing of America.”
56:09 The Biblical Aspect of our system
57:09 Giveaway
1:00:21 Conclusion

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