You Are Watching Managed Reality. Don’t Discredit Anything

7 months ago

They are trying to eliminate the voter. Why will they not acknowledge the election irregularities? The domestic voter is the last thing they need to get out of the way. You will not accept the brainwashing. If you challenge the election they will do all they can to eliminate you.
You are watching managed reality. Don’t discredit anything. Remember there is a group of republicans that don’t want to vote for Trump. The question they asked, Where will Nikki Haley voters go? Biden can’t stay, he has to go. The new candidate may be somewhere the squishy republican can go.
Federal contractor exposes massive internment camps being built in all 50 states for Trump supporters ahead of martial law. There was a time this would be discounted, but seeing what they are doing all scenarios are on the table.
When the democrats went as far as to lie to their people. The democrats were told that Joe would be a one term president, but there were voters that didn’t have any other option than Joe Biden on the democrat primary ticket. There are 6 or 7 that are running the country by committee. When they put Joe Biden on the democrat ticket they knew that Joe was slipping. Biden faces mutiny as 25 democrats prepare to call for the ailing president to step aside.
Biden will sit down with George Stephanopoulous, George will help Joe step out. They are going to give Joe a hero’s exit while they are ushering in their candidate that they will gush over. If Joe leaves they will wipe everything off the board. Donald Trump will have to run against a fresh candidate. Kamala won’t be able to wipe the slate clean.
The Trump team is playing chess with these people. The Trump campaign is still trying to figure out who they are running against. You don’t roll out a VP until you know who you are running against.

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