Solar Return for the USA July 4, 2024 Astrology Message and Frequencies #USA #july4th #highvibe

8 months ago
91 In this solar return chart for the USA, when the Sun returns to 13:19 Cancer, the theme for July 4, 2024 to July 4, 2025 is one of profound transformation. With Scorpio rising, Mars conjunct Uranus opposing the Ascendant, and Pluto Rx in the 3rd house forming a tight square to Mercury in the 9th, we can expect a major death and rebirth in communications, media, and current belief systems. The Scorpio theme for the year is emphasized by both luminaries (Sun and Moon) in the 8th house, and a tight square from the Moon at 29 Gemini to Neptune Rx at 29 Pisces. The Leo Midheaven and Aries North Node in the 5th is a positive omen that we will be able to regenerate life, joy, and reasons to celebrate.

Oracle messages taken from Angels and Ancestors by Kyle Gray. and planetary frequencies are timestamped for your convenience. For best listening, pease use headset, smartphones, or speakers.

Astrology 5:07
Air Guardian: 22:08
Animal Guardian: 23:43
Planetary Frequencies: 25:24

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Planetary Frequencies Include:
Sun/Venus/Saturn Rx trine:
Revisiting patterns that restricted our intuitive hits and instincts; rethinking our notion that vulnerability is “weakness”

Sun/SN (Venus)/NN (Mars) t-square:
The dawning realization that our “reality” has been held hostage as caught in the orbit of someone else’s idea of “reality”

Moon/Neptune Rx square:
The moon represents the public, and its square to Neptune Rx will force us to awaken to certain deceptions, especially those related to spirituality and medicine.

Mercury/Pluto/Sedna opposition/sextile:
Major transformation within communications, media, belief systems, and the court system

Mercury/Jupiter/Sedna conj./sextile:
Communications, human law and sacred law combine in harmony to renovate the justice system.

Venus/Saturn Rx/Neptune Rx trine:
Venus rules the 7th house and the Libra SN. Its trine to Saturn and Neptune, both retrograde, is a reality check regarding the ways we have given our power away in the past to those who do not deserve it.

Venus/Chiron square:
Healing 5th house issues; working through trauma and learning to thrive again

Mars/ASC (Sedna)/Saturn opposition/trine:
Using Sedna for Scorpio ASC and the 3rd symbol of Scorpio - the Eagle - this combination serves to help us see through falseness and phonies with laser like focus, and reclaim our own authority

Jupiter/SN (Venus)/NN (Mars):
Making peace with our past and expanding upon renewed inspiration toward a better future

Mars/Uranus conjunction:
Energizing and protecting (Mars) humanity (Uranus) and defending the homeland (Uranus rules 4th house).

Uranus/Sedna conjunction:
Awakening humanity to “get with the galactic program”; reinstating sacred law that respects all life; hearing confessions from those who violated universal laws so that healing can take place.

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