JUAN O SAVIN- Is it ALL just a Magik Trick? - NINO 6 28 2024

5 months ago

JUAN O SAVIN- Is it ALL just a Magik Trick? - NINO 6 28 2024

How did the Debate last week go? A DISGRACE. The Coming Deception. We are seeing the biggest CON the World has ever seen. The Dynamic that we are seeing is Tit for Tat. The Crisis is that Russia actually is taking to task the Deep State and it might spill over on us because it is a Proxy War.
Kate Middleton becomes the "topic" because "Never let a good crisis go to waste".
Juan talks about a process that is actually done. "Putting a person on Ice". Just to take the timing forward for a "Star Alignment".
42 Gods are in the Perimeter of the Parthenon.
They play with your perception. With the "Magik Trick" "ping Pong" Tag team. This is the nature of a PsyWar.
What is the Contingency Plan for these events?
The options are on their side. But we have some moves left.
Since this show SCOTUS has made some good rulings.
So do we see the End of the World as we know it.. and Do You Feel Fine?
We allowed this to go on.. in a way we saw as quite innocent.
During the worst of this war it may be every man for himself.
Juan gives examples. Worth mulling over. Just remember...
And many things can not be explained.. completely.
There are a LOT of issues in Play.
Save Israel for LAST.
Confusing? YES many are in the background. With lives on HOLD.. with love unrequited. With Danger at their door.
But this is a Team effort. MANY have lived during this time without a day off. Be on the TEAM. A LOT of Heroes are out there. Be one.
Justice is Coming. Why we support Israel at the end...

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