Fentanyl Dip-Test has Instant Results w/ Jason Sheppard | Monitoring Spine Surgery w/ Dr. Bonati

7 months ago

This Week: Kimberly Bonati, Ethan Youker and Spine surgeon Alfred Bonati, M.D., discuss fentanyl is wreaking havoc within the United States but testing people for the substance is complicated and costly. Jason Sheppard shares a new cost-effective dip-test that now provides accurate results within 5 minutes.
Then, a spinal fusion, caused Bill to lose feeling in his leg and foot. Thankfully he underwent The Bonati Spine Procedures and is back to his busy life (with feeling restored) and pain-free.
Plus, many spine surgeons are excited to learn a "new" way to monitor the spinal cord during surgery. Dr. Bonati discusses the current state of the industry and how most still have much to learn about proper patient treatment.

(Original airdate 7-6-24)

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