The Untold Story of Jeffrey Epstein's Ties to the Israel Lobby

8 months ago

You are all missing a major area of investigation: what was Epstein's connection with the Israel Lobby? He was doing their dirty job and most of the people involved with him are directly and indirectly connected to the Cabal/Israel Lobby.

If you believe that Epstein died by suicide or died at all, you can see how powerful he was and he still is. This is not a surprise to me but many who see everything as a conspiracy should start waking up. The real question is who was behind Epstein? We all know that he was a MOSSAD element who was promoted from a math teacher to a very important finance guru. His job was really to collect information on the powerful and influential people to blackmail for specific missions. Look at the list of people visiting his island. If you believe that they were only getting a massage, I am Santa Claus.

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