7.2.2024 - Groovy Jimmy - Cookin sperg ass wonderbread mfs

7 months ago

Jimmy is pissed off about Croag's stream. He goes on another 'white people belong in chains, original sex traffickers!' rant about white people. He shows a video of 2 cartel members shooting some elderly woman who happened to drive through the wrong place at the wrong time. Weird threat towards women again for absolutely no reason.

A trucker (soCal trucker) joins the panel saying he's just joining random open panels. Jimmy and him discuss automation + trucking, how to get your trucking license, and SoCal Trucker clearly has no idea who he's talking to.

MBM joins the panel and explains that jimmy can't even drive a car so there's no point in trying to convince him to drive a truck. mbm and jimmy go back and forth until mbm mentions jimmys anime, at which point jimmy kicks him and ends the stream.

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