Why You Should PAY Attention to Tiniest Details of Your Life

2 months ago

This short zen story emphasis the importance of mindfulness.
One rainy day Taro arrives to meet his master Hiroshi. When he walked in, the master greeted him with a question "On which side of your shoes did you leave your umbrella?" Taro could not know the answer because Taro is not yet living in the moment.
This story serves as a prompt to approach our actions with attentive awareness instead of merely going through the motions unconsciously. How frequently do we find ourselves lost in thought while driving, arriving at our destination with little recollection of the journey? Similarly, don’t we engage with our loved ones while our minds wander elsewhere?
We fail to fully appreciate life's richness when we are not fully present in the moment.
#zen #zenstories #mindfulness #mindfulliving

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