7 months ago

The culture of silence that allows our Ministry of Health, Doctors, Government and media all simply to look the other way as the mythology of mRNA "safe and effective" unravels at rapidly growing speed.

I walked past NZ pharmacies this week with flags outside saying "get your Covid vaccine here".

I peeked inside and there were trusting Kiwi's standing in line for a needle full of danger.

I feel like I am living in a dystopian scene from The Twilight Zone.

In the past few days we learned...

*A huge German state study finds that all cause Excess Mortality is closely associated with mRNA uptake from state to state. The more injections - the more deaths

*A 200,000 plus persons study in Italy finds a LOSS OF LIFE EXPECTANCY for 1, 2 and 3 mRNA dosed, vs that of the unvaccinated.

*The same Italian study concludes BOOSTERS DON'T WORK

*A UK million person study finds ONLY VACCINATED CHILDREN AND TEENS ARE GETTING MYOCARDITIS - none (zero) of the unvaccinated.

*Australia's Channel 7 features vaccine injury. The former President of the Australian Medical Association shares of the CATASTROPHIC vaccine injury of herself and her partner.

*The likely mechanism for the PROVEN harm to female menses, is uncovered. Largely it's the bio-accumulation of Lipid Nano Particles in the ovaries AND EGGS - something ALL the drug regulators (including Medsafe) knew about before authorising the drug.

*The Australian Journal of GP Practice publishes a letter asking "should we now talk about mRNA harms"? It details IGg4 class switching (an immune disturbance) in the 2 plus injected....and the likely implications for Auto Immune disease and cancer.

We have long since passed the point of CRIMINAL CULPABILITY for all those in authority who stay silent...or even worse, actively encourage ongoing Pfizer injections in NZ.

Every day that passes with the cone of silence still in place, is another day more culpable

You will find links to all these reports on our page here.

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