Is She TRYING To Undermine His Campaign? Symone Sanders Says Biden Needs To Be Seen MORE

6 months ago

Posted • July 3, 2024: We're not sure how this is going to help the Biden campaign. After his debate performance and the Left's hair-on-fire breakdown following it, they tried to make things look better with a campaign stop in North Carolina. It didn't help. Neither did last night's ostensible post-SCOTUS presidential immunity campaign speech from the White House. It lasted four minutes and ended with Biden shuffling away without answering questions from the media. So Symone Sanders thinks the solution is to put Biden out there even more. -- Symone Sanders: "I think a way to blunt some of the criticism [from the debate] is to put the president out there in various ways in which he will shine: Town halls, answering questions from regular folks will make the difference."

Dude. This is what Biden does when confronted with questions. He snaps at staffers who ask him questions. He got visibly angry with a citizen who asked him about gun control. And her solution is more of this? Good luck with that. Every Democrat still trying to prop Biden up after last week’s abysmal debate performance is doing nothing but destroying what little credibility they have left and dragging the rest of the Democrat Party with them. Please continue and don’t ever stop. As Napoleon Bonaparte said: Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Is She TRYING to Undermine His Campaign? Symone Sanders Says Biden Needs to Be Seen MORE After Bad Debate

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