10th Muharram | Part-10 | The Day Of ‘Ashura’ | Martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA).

7 months ago

Asslamoalaikum sisters brothers friends and elders, today we are describing Explore the significance and historical events of the Day of 'Ashura', the 10th day of Muharram ul Ahram. Learn about the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad, and the Battle of Karbala. understand the religious observations, rituals, and commemorations associated with this day in Islamic history.

so in nineth part before this part we were describing that Shaudhab then came forward and greeted al-Husayn (as). [He sought his permission and] thereafter went [to the battlefield]. He fought until he was killed. [May Allah have mercy on him].

‘Abis bin Abi Shabib then said: “O Aba ‘Abdillah! By Allah, there is no one on the face of this earth, from among [my] kin or distant ones, who is more beloved and dearer to me than you are. If I was able to ward off oppression and death from you with something dearer to me than my life and blood, I would have done so. Peace be upon you, O Aba ‘Abdillah. I take Allah as a witness that I am on your path and the path of your father.”

He then walked towards [the enemy] with the sword drawn. It was with it that he was struck on his forehead.10

Rabi’ bin Tamim [al-Hamdani] says: “When I saw him coming, I recognized him. So I said: ‘O people! This is the black lion. This is Ibn Abi Shabib. No one among you should come out to face him!’

[‘Abis] began calling out: ‘Is not there anyone to fight me man to man?!’

‘Umar bin Sa‘d cried out: ‘Bring him to his knees by stoning him!’

So he was pelted from all sides. When ‘Abis saw this, he threw aside his armour and helmet and attacked the people furiously.”

[Rabi’ says:] “I swear by Allah, I saw him driving back more than two hundred [men] from the [enemy]! Thereafter, they surrounded him from all sides and he was killed. [May Allah have mercy on him].”11,12
The Martyrdom of Yazid ibn Ziyad, Abu Sha'tha’ al- Kindi

Yazid bin Ziyad bin Muhasir, Abu Sha’tha’ al-Kindi, was among those who had come out with ‘Umar bin Sa‘d against al-Husayn (as). When [the people] rejected the conditions [and the offer] of al-Husayn (as), he got inclined to him [and then joined him]. He fought alongside al-Husayn (as) while he recited [the following verses] on that day:

I am Yazid and my father is Muhasir, braver than a lion who is asleep in the thicket.

O Lord I am a helper to al-Husayn, I have abandoned Ibn Sa‘d and parted [from him].13

[Yazid] was an archer. He knelt down before al-Husayn (as) and shot a hundred arrows [towards the enemy]. Only five of those [who were struck with the arrows] fell to the ground. Whenever he shot [an arrow], he would say: “I am the son of Bahdalah, the knight of [the day of] ‘Arjalah”, while al-Husayn (as) would pray: “O Allah, direct his shooting and make Heaven his reward.”

He then fought until he was killed. [May Allah have mercy on him].
The Martyrdom of the Four Men

[Then the four men who had come with Tirimmah bin ‘Adiyy to al-Husayn (as):] Jabir bin Harith al- Salmani, Mujammi’ bin ‘Abdillah al-‘A'idhi14, ‘Umar bin Khalid al-Saidawi and Sa‘d, the retainer of ‘Umar bin Khalid, went out attacking the people with their swords. After they penetrated [the army], the people surrounded them, having the upper hand over them and cutting them off from their companions.

So ‘Abbas bin ‘Ali attacked [the enemy] and saved them. Then they [again] launched an attack and fought until they were [all] killed at the same point.15 [May Allah have mercy on them].
The Martyrdom of Suwaid al-Khath’ami and Bashir al-Hadhrami

The last to remain with al-Husayn (as) from among his companions were Suwaid bin ‘Amru bin Abi Muta’ al-Khath’ami16 and Bashir bin ‘Amru al-Hadhrami. [With regard to Bashir, he went out and fought until he was killed]. [May Allah have mercy on him].

As for Suwaid, he [also] went out and fought till he was exhausted and collapsed [unconscious].17 He fell amidst the bodies of those killed [in the battle] and his sword was snatched away.

When al-Husayn (as) was killed and he heard them saying: ‘Al-Husayn has been killed!’, he regained consciousness. He had a knife with him, so he [got up and] fought them with his knife for a while until Zayd bin Ruqad al-Janabi18 and ‘Urwah bin Battar al-Taghlabi killed him.

He was the last person [from among al-Husayn’s companions] to be killed. (Ina Lilahay Rajehoon)

Allah hafiz


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