10th Muharram | Part-8 | The Day Of ‘Ashura’ | The martyrs of the Companions of Imam Hussain (RA).

2 months ago

Asslamoalaikum sisters brothers friends and elders, today we are describing Explore the significance and historical events of the Day of 'Ashura', the 10th day of Muharram ul Ahram. Learn about the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad, and the Battle of Karbala. understand the religious observations, rituals, and commemorations associated with this day in Islamic history.

The Martyrdom of the Companions Of Al-Husayn (as)
The Martyrdom of Habib bin Muzahir

The Martyrdom of Habib bin Muzahir1

[Incensed at Habib’s comments,] Husayn bin Tamim [al-Tamimi] mounted an attack against them. Habib bin MuZahir [al-Asadi] went out to meet him. He struck the face of his horse with [his] sword. The horse reared up and [Husayn] fell from it. His companions carried him away and rescued him.

Habib then started saying:

I am Habib and my father is MuZahir, a furious cavalier [amidst] a burning battle.

You are more prepared and greater in number [than us], [but] we are more loyal and patient [than you].

We are the best proof and our being on the truth is more apparent, we are more pious than you and have better excuse [than you do].

He also used to say:

I swear had we been equal to you in number or half of you, you would have turned your backs to us in large numbers.

O most wicked of people in deeds and lineage!

[Habib] fought a fierce battle. A man from the Banu Tamim called Budail bin Suraim attacked him and stabbed him and he fell [to the ground]. As he tried to get up, Husayn bin Tamim [al-Tamimi] struck him on his head with the sword and he [again] fell [down]. The man from the [Banu] Tamim then went to him and beheaded him.2,3

Al-Husayn was broken by the the martyrdom of Habib bin Mu³ahir. He said: “I anticipate a reward from Allah for myself and [my] supporters from among my companions.”
The Martyrdom of Hurr bin Yazid al-Riyahi

Thereafter, Hurr went out. He began reciting these verses:

I am Hurr, [whose house] is renowned for its hospitality, I will strike in their midst with my sword.

[In defence] of the best of those who have been in Mina and al-Khaif, [I will strike them, and I do not see any wrong [in doing so].

He also said:

I have sworn that I will not be killed until after I have killed, and I will not be struck today except while facing [them].

I give them a cutting blow with [my] sword, neither will I desist from them nor will I get frightened.

Zuhair bin Qain [also] came out with him. They both fought a fierce battle. If one of them launched an attack and was surrounded [by the enemy], the other would [come to his help by] attacking them and free him. They continued [to combat] in this way for sometime until the foot soldiers [of the enemy] intensified [their attacks] on Hurr bin Yazid and he was killed. [May Allah shower his mercy on him.]
The Noon (Zuhr) Prayers

Al-Husayn (as) then led them for the prayers of those in fear (salat al-khawf).4 [Sa’id bin ‘Abdullah al-Hanafi] stood in front of him. He thus became their target and [the enemy] began shooting arrows at him left and right. He continued to be shot at as he remained standing in front of [al-Husayn (as)], until he fell to the ground. [May Allah have mercy on him].
The Martyrdom of Zuhair bin al-Qain

[Then Zuhair bin Qain came forward]. He began tapping the shoulder of al-Husayn (as) while he recited:

Be firm, you have been guided, the guide and the guided; today you will meet your grandfather, the Prophet.

And Hasan and ‘Ali, the chosen one; and the one with the two wings [Ja’far], the brave martyr.

And the Lion of Allah [i.e. Hamzah], the living martyr.

He fought severely as he said:

I am Zuhair and I am the son of al-Qain, I will drive you away from the family of al-Husayn with my sword.5

Kathir bin ‘Abdullah al-Sha’bi and Muhajir bin Aws attacked him and killed him. [May Allah have mercy on him].
The Martyrdom of Nafi’ bin Hilal al-Jamali

Nafi’ bin Hilal al-Jamali6 had written his name on the head of his arrows. He began to shoot [the enemy] with the marked arrows saying: “I am Jamali, I follow the religion of ‘Ali.” He killed twelve [men] from among the followers of ‘Umar bin Sa‘d, apart from those who were injured.

Nafi’ [was injured during the fight] and his arms were broken. Shamir bin Dhi al-Jaushan and his followers took him as a captive and carried him to ‘Umar bin Sa‘d as blood flowed down his beard.

‘Umar bin Sa‘d said to him: “Woe onto you O Nafi! What led you to do [all] this with yourself?”

Nafi’ replied: “My Lord knows what I intended. By Allah, I have killed twelve among your [men] apart from those I wounded. I do not blame myself for the trouble [I am in]. Had I been left with only an arm, you would not have taken me as a captive!”

Shamir said to [Ibn Sa‘d]: “Kill him, may Allah guide you!”

He replied: “You can kill him, if you wish.”

Shamir unsheathed his sword. So Nafi’ said to him: “By Allah, were you a Muslim, it would have been distressing for you to meet Allah with our blood [on your hands]! All praise is due to Allah who put our death in the hands of the wicked among his creatures.”

Shamir then killed him. [May Allah have mercy on him].

so friends after one hour will be described Nineth part of the Events of the 10th day (Day of Ashura) of the Karabla, Allah Hafiz


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