10th Muharram | Part-7 | The Day Of ‘Ashura’ | Setting fire to the imam's Tents

2 months ago

Asslamoalaikum sisters brothers friends and elders, today we are describing Explore the significance and historical events of the Day of 'Ashura', the 10th day of Muharram ul Ahram. Learn about the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad, and the Battle of Karbala. understand the religious observations, rituals, and commemorations associated with this day in Islamic history.

so in sixth part before this part we were describing that [The horse of Hurr bin Yazid a l-Riyahi was lamed]. It was not long before his horse trembeled and became upset and fell to the ground. So Hurr jumped from it as though he was a lion. His sword was in his hands, while he was saying:

Even if you lame my [horse], I am the son of free man [hurr], braver than a maned lion.

[The followers of al-Husayn (as)] continued to fight them fiercely until it was midday. [The enemy] could not advance against them except from one side, due to their tents being closer together. When ‘Umar bin Sa‘d saw this, he sent [his] men to strike [their] tents from the right and left sides, so that they might surround them. So three or four men from al-Husayn’s companions positioned themselves between the tents. They would attack [any] one who was striking [the tents], kill him, shoot at him and lame [his horse].

At this point ‘Umar bin Sa‘d ordered [his men] saying: “Set the tents on fire.”

Al-Husayn (as): “Leave them alone. Let them burn [the tents]. If they do so, they will not be able to cross over to you.” And it happened to be so. [Accordingly, the enemy] could not fight them except from one direction.
The Fourth Attack

Shamir bin Dhi al-Jaushan, among the others, launched an attack and struck the tents of al-Husayn (as) with his spear and shouted: “Bring me fire so that I may burn down this house on its inhabitants!” [At this,] the women started screaming and came out of the tents.

Al-Husayn (as) shouted at him: “O son of Dhi al-Jaushan! You are asking for fire to burn down my house on its dwellers?! May Allah burn you with the fire!”22

Humaid bin Muslim [al-Azdi] says: “I said to Shamir: Glory be to Allah! This does not suit you. Do you want to bear upon yourself two things: to punish [the creatures] with the punishment of Allah and to kill the children and women! By Allah, by killing these men you can [only] please your governor.”23

Shabath bin Rib’i [al-Tamimi also] came to Shamir and said: “I have not seen a word worst than what you have said, nor a standing more wicked than that of yours. Have you [now] turned to become one who frightens the women?!”

Zuhair bin al-Qain attacked Shamir with ten of his colleagues. They fought Shamir and his followers fiercely. They drove them away from the tents until they moved away.

Thereafter, the [enemy] turned against the [followers of al-Husayn (as)] in large number. The number of the killed from al-Husayn’s companions continued to grow. [Even] if one or two among their men were killed, it would be apparent [due to the fewness of their number], while it was not so apparent among the [enemy] because of their great number.
Preparation for the Noon (Zuhr) Prayers

When Abu Thumamah ‘Amru bin ‘Abdillah al-Saidi24 saw this, he said to al-Husayn (as): “O Aba ‘Abdillah, my life be sacrificed for you! I see these people getting closer to you. By Allah, you will not be killed until I am killed defending you, if Allah wills. I wish to meet my Lord while I have offered this prayer (salat) whose time has now entered.”

Al-Husayn (as) raised his head and said: “You have remembered the prayers. May Allah make you among those who establish prayers and remember [Him]. Yes, this is the beginning of its time.” He then said: “Ask them to cease [fighting] so that we can pray.”

Husayn bin Tamim said to [al-Husayn’s companions]: “They will not be accepted!”

So Habib bin MuZahir retorted: “Do you think that the prayers of the family of the Messenger of Allah (S) will not be accepted, but they will be accepted from you, O donkey?!

so friends after one hour will be described eighth part of the Events of the 10th day (Day of Ashura) of the Karabla, Allah Hafiz


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