9th Muharram | Part-5 | Hazrat Imam Hussain and his companions

7 months ago

Asslamoalaikum sisters brothers friends and elders, today is 9th Muharram ul Ahram, and we are describing The Events of same day of the Karabla, this is Fifth and last part of today and from tomorow will be described incidents of the day of Ashura , please be watched and also share to your friends our all videos to understand and know what was happend in Karbala with lovely grand son of Mohammad SAW.

so in 4th part before this part we were describing that [Al-Husayn (as)] tried to console her by this and the like and then said to her: “Sister! I swear to you -and I [always] keep my oaths- that you must not tear your clothes, nor scratch your face, nor cry out in grief and loss when I die.”

[Al-Husayn (as)] then brought her and made her sit with me.

He [then] went to his companions and ordered them to bring their tents closer together and to make the tent-pegs come within the area of each other’s tents. [He also asked them] to remain between the tents except the side from which the enemy could come against them.7

Al-Husayn (as) then gathered stalks and firewood to a sunken place –which was similar to a canal- behind their tents. They dug it at some hour of the night and turned it into something like a ditch. Then they filled it with those firewood and reed and said: “When they attack and fight us, we will set it on fire, so that we are not attacked from the rear and we would fight them from one side.”8
Al-Husayn (as) and His Companions on the Night of ‘Ashura’

When the night entered al-Husayn (as) and his companions spent the whole night in performing prayers, seeking forgiveness and making supplications.

[Dahhak bin ‘Abdullah al-Mushriqi al-Hamdani, the one among the companions of al-Husayn (as) who was saved from being killed reports:]

“A group of their horsemen passed us keeping watch over us, while al-Husayn (as) was reciting: ‘Let the faithless not suppose that the respite that We grant them is good for their souls; We give them respite only that they may increase in sin, and there is a humiliating punishment for them. Allah will not leave the faithful in your present state, until he has separated the bad ones from the good.’9 So a man from among those horsemen –who were keeping watch over us- heard that and said: ‘By the Lord of the Ka’bah, we are pure and have been distinguished from you.”

[Dahhak says:] “I recognized the person and said to Burair bin Hudhhair [al-Hamdani]10: ‘Do you know who this man is?’ He said: ‘No.’ I said: ‘He is Abu Harb al-Sabi’i al-Hamdani ‘Abdullah bin Shahr. He is a joker and an idle [person], [though] a noble, brave, and a killer whom Sa’id bin Qais11 had –as if- once imprisoned for a crime!’

So Burair bin Hudhair said to him: ‘O sinner! Has Allah made you among the pure ones?!’

He said: ‘Who are you?’

[Burair] replied: ‘I am Burair bin Hudhair.’

[Abu Harb] said: ‘Verily, we belong to Allah! How painful it is for me. By Allah, You are destroyed. By Allah, you are destroyed O Burair!’

[Burair] said: ‘O Aba Harb! Is there any way for you to repent for your great sins?! For by Allah, we are the ones who are indeed the pure, while you people are, indeed, the impure ones!’

[Abu Harb mockingly] said: ‘And I bear witness to that!’

So I [i.e. Dahhak] said to him: ‘Woe onto you! Did your knowledge not benefit you?!’

[Abu Harb scornfully] said: ‘May I be sacrificed for you. Who will then carouse with Yazid bin ‘Adharah al-Anzi who is here with me?!’

[Burair] said: ‘May Allah make your opinion vile! You are in any way a fool!’ [Hearing this,] he went away.”

so friends tomorow will be described events of the 10th day (The day of Ashura) of the Karabla, Allah Hafiz


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