8th Muharram ul Haram | Hazrat Abbas Ibn Ali RA went for Water

3 months ago

Asslamoalaikum sisters brothers friends and elders,
We are strating describe about incidents of Karbala from where we yesterday stop, so yesterday we were describing that When the thirst became unbearable for al-Husayn (as) and his companions, he called his brother ‘Abbas bin ‘Ali bin Abi Talib and sent him along with thirty horsemen and twenty foot soldiers with whom he sent twenty waterskins. They advanced and neared the water at night with Nafi’ bin Hilal al-Jamali22 leading the way with the standard.

[As they approached] ‘Amru bin al-Hajjaj al-Zubaidi said: “Who is that?”

[He said: “Nafi’ bin Hilal].

‘Amru asked: “Why have you come?”

Nafi’ replied: “We have come to drink from this water which you obstructed us from.”

[‘Amru] said: “Drink and enjoy.”

“Nay by Allah, I shall not have a drop from it while al-Husayn is thirsty and these of his companions”, said [Nafi’ while he pointed to them]. So they all appeared before him.

He said: “There is no way these people can drink, as we have been placed here only to prevent them from reaching the water.”

When [the foot soldiers from among the] companions of Nafi’ drew near him, he [told them]: “Fill your waterskins!” So they forced their way and filled their waterskins.

[Seeing this] ‘Amru bin al-Hajjaj and his companions rushed towards them, but ‘Abbas bin ‘Ali and Nafi’ bin Hilal attacked them and stopped them [from reaching the foot soldiers]. Then both of them went to the foot soldiers and told them: “[You] move [ahead]” while they were protecting them. [In the meanwhile,] ‘Amru bin al-Hajjaj and his army came back and chased them for a while. The companions of al-Husayn (as) managed to return to him with the waterskins.

[That night] Nafi’ bin Hilal had stabbed one of the companions of ‘Amru bin Hajjaj’ such that the wound later festered and he died of it.23 [Accordingly, this is the first person to have been killed from Ibn Sa‘d’s army after he sustained injuries on that night.]

so friends tomorow we will be described events of 9th Muharram ul Ahram, Allah Hafiz


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