6th Muharram Ul Haram | Ibn Saad replied to Shemar

7 months ago

Asslamoalaikum sisters brothers friends and elders,
We are strating describe about incidents of Karbala from where we yesterday stop, so yesterday we were discribing [Ibn Ziyad] replied: “Yes, with pleasure.” He then ordered his scribe to write a guarantee of security for them and sent it through ‘Abdullah bin Abi al-Mahall [bin Hizam al-Kilabi] and his servant Kuzman.

Shamir Brings the Letter to Ibn Saad

Shamir bin Dhi al-Jaushan set out with the letter of ‘Ubaidullah bin Ziyad to ‘Umar bin Sa‘d. When he arrived and read it to him ‘Umar said: “Woe onto you! What is wrong with you? May Allah never show favour to your house. May Allah make abominable what you have brought to me. By Allah! I suspect you to have dissuaded him from accepting what I wrote to him. You ruined for us a matter which we had hoped to set right. By Allah, al-Husayn will not surrender. An unsubmissive soul exists within him!”

Shamir said to him: “Tell me what you are going to do. Are you going to carry out the instructions of your governor and kill his enemy? Otherwise leave the command of the army to me.”

[Ibn Sa‘d] replied: “No! There is no honour for you! I will carry that out. Here you are! Take control of the foot soldiers!”
The Safe-Conduct of Ibn Ziyad for ‘Abbas and His Brothers

Then Shamir went and stopped near the companions of al-Husayn (as) and said: “Where are the sons of our sister?” So ‘Abbas, Ja’far and ‘Uthman, the sons of ‘Ali (as), came forward and said: “What is the matter and what do you want?”

He said: “You are guaranteed security, O sons of my sister!”

The young men replied him: “May Allah curse you -even if you be our uncle- and curse your security. You offer us protection while the son of the Prophet of Allah (‘s) remains without protection!”

[Hearing this,] Kuzman, the servant of ‘Abdullah bin Abi al-Mahall [bin Hizam al-Kilabi] called them out and said: “This is the security which your uncle has sent it to you.”

So the young men said: “Convey our salutations to our uncle and tell him: ‘We do not need your security. The protection of Allah is better than that of the son of Sumayyah!’”20
Obstructing the Imam (as) and His Companions from Reaching the Water

so friends tomorow we will be started describing from here, Allah Hafiz

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