5th Muharram ul Haram | Ibn Ziyad’s Second Response to Ibn Sa‘d

7 months ago

Asslamoalaikum sisters brothers friends and elders,
We are strating describe about incidents of Karbala from where we yesterday stop, so

Ibn Ziyad’s Second Response to Ibn Sa‘d

‘Ubaidullah bin Ziyad thus wrote to ‘Umar bin Sa‘d:

“I did not send you to al-Husayn for you to restrain yourself from [fighting] him, nor to idle the time away with him, nor to promise him peace and preservation [of his life], nor to be an intercessor on his behalf with me. Look now, if al-Husayn and his companions submit to [our] authority and surrender, then send them to me as captives. But if they refuse, then march against them until you kill them. Treat them in a manner that it should serve as a lesson for others, for they indeed deserve that!

When al-Husayn is killed, make the horses trample on his chest and back; for he is disobedient and an opponent, an oppressor and one who is set to sever [all] relations. I do not consider that this [i.e. trampling his body] will be in any way wrong after death. But I have promised myself that I would do this to him if I killed him! If you carry out our command with respect to him, we will reward you the reward of one who is obedient. [But] if you refuse, then leave our service and army and hand it over to Shamir bin Dhi al-Jaushan; for we have given him our instructions. That is all.”18

‘Ubaidullah bin Ziyad then summoned Shamir bin Dhi al-Jaushan and said to him: “Take this letter to ‘Umar bin Sa‘d and let him propose to al-Husayn and his companions to submit to my authority. If they did so, then he should send them to me as prisoners. And if they refused, then he should fight them. If he does [what I have said], then listen to him and obey him. [But] if he refuses, then you [take up the authority and] fight them, as you will be [then] the commander of the people; and attack [Ibn Sa‘d], cut off his head and send it to me.”19

After Shamir bin Dhi al-Jaushan took the letter, as he and ‘Abdullah bin Abi al-Mahall bin Hizam [al-Kilabi] stood up to leave, ‘Abdullah said: “May Allah preserve the governor! The sons of our sister [Umm al-Banin: ‘Abbas, ‘Abdullah, Ja’far and ‘Uthman] are with al-Husayn. If you deem it right to grant them protection (aman), then [please] do so.”

[Ibn Ziyad] replied: “Yes, with pleasure.” He then ordered his scribe to write a guarantee of security for them and sent it through ‘Abdullah bin Abi al-Mahall [bin Hizam al-Kilabi] and his servant Kuzman.

so friends tomorow we will be started describing from here, Allah Hafiz


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