"They Refuse to Believe" -- Matthew 12:22 - 28

5 months ago

"No! A Square Peg fits a Round Hole"

Have you ever been in a discussion with someone, that no matter what you say to them, they will not believe you?

You use logic. You bring them verified documentation. You show them videos of the event. You bring witnesses to corroborate what you are stating. The witnesses you bring are even members of their own family and they still will not believe you. And their reasons for not believing you are as ludicrous as them saying a square peg fits in a round hole.

As we follow Jesus today, we will see Jesus perform another miracle, and we will see the Pharisees using "Square Peg" logic to refute what Jesus has done and is doing.

We need to remember that we are going to experience what we see Jesus experiencing today; many people will just "Refuse to Believe."

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