Maui Community Investigation into Possible Plasma Weapon Source for the Lahaina Fire

7 months ago

The Maui Community is experiencing Masonic corruption similar to the deception over the public before, during and after the 9/11 World Trade Center had come down from ferrite demolitions in 2001.

Bill Cooper was also assassinated at his home with powder burns on his head from the death-shot.

It seems likely a satellite plasma canon from some "Star-Wars Project" of the past may be responsible for many of the isolated burned vehicles.
I was also wondering if one of those billion-watt HARPP antenna arrays could send a beam up to a military plasma cannon satellite to power it up?
After JFK was assassinated for giving a speech about identifying and removing secret societies running politics: the CIA pushed the propaganda into the heads of sheeple that people identifying provable conspiracies involving the Freemasons-cUlt... the ones who didn't have sudden heart-attacks and died could be character-assassinated by pretending he must be crazy to question corrupt government workers.

9/11 saw many insignificant protestors perish, no doubt, but controlled opposition, like Alex Jones and Fahrenheit-9/11 artist Michael Moore had the Judas goat jobs to hide the Freemasons.

In the case of Lahaina, the cover-up of the secret societies is performed by fellow Freemasons... hey, Jones and Moore are in the cUlt, too.
Cooper was true to the republic, not the cUlt his father was in... if he remained alive to expose the 9/11 demolition a different outcome may have been realized of the fake investigation by government workers.

The NWO plans to burn down Western Civilization into ashes as the cUlt minions hide-out in the underground cities( America has 200 from the last count I heard a few years ago.). From the ashes they are to "rise their fiery phoenix" which you can find on many countries' flags and coat-of-arms.


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