7 months ago

IT CAN BE DONE is a 35mm short that I (Jon East) directed and co-wrote, which was nominated for the Silver Lion at the Venice Film Festival in 1999. It is set in Maine, USA, during 1956 and its subject is the revolutionary natural scientist Wilhelm Reich MD, (1897-1957).

The true-life story of the persecution of Wilhelm Reich and the destruction of his work is long and complex, so this short dramatic (rather than documentary) film takes a poetic as opposed to literal approach. It depicts an actual event towards the end of Reich's life, in which a nexus of the disparate forces that conspired against him came together for an apocalyptic episode. Although a fictional interpretation of real events, particular care was given to historical design accuracy. The cloudbuster depicted is a perfect replica of Reich's own, reconstructed from photographs of the original that I took whilst visiting Reich's laboratory for research purposes.

I should add that since this film was produced in 1998, much new material has come to light about these events. Unearthed by author Jim Martin - and revealed in his book, 'Wilhelm Reich and the Cold War' - this new information widens our understanding of the forces that maliciously aligned to destroy this titan of 20th century thought. Jim Martin's meticulously well researched volume is available through Amazon.com and is very much recommended. amazon.co.uk/Wilhelm-Reich-Cold-War-Psychiatrists/dp/098023168X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1460224702&sr=8-1&keywords=Wilhelm+reich+and+the+cold+war

Much of the other material published about Wilhelm Reich's life and work is either lazily inaccurate or deliberately mendacious. However, there are several books which give a more balanced and accurate picture of the man and appraisal of his work. These include;

'Wilhelm Reich; The Evolution of his work', by David Boadella

'Fury on Earth', by Myron Sharaf

'Wilhelm Reich, Biologist', by James E. Strick

'Wilhelm Reich vs the USA'

Wilhelm Reich was a prolific writer and of his own published books - burned en masse by the US Govt in the late 1950s and early 1960s - probably three seminal volumes stand as excellent introductions to his work;

'The Function of the Orgasm'

'Character Analysis'amazon.co.uk/Character-Analysis-Wilhelm-Reich-ebook/dp/B00DFFGONO/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1467531758&sr=1-1&keywords=Wilhelm+reich+character

'The Mass Psychology of Fascism'amazon.co.uk/Mass-Psychology-Fascism-Wilhelm-Reich/dp/0285647016/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1467531801&sr=1-1&keywords=Wilhelm+reich+mass

One other book very much worth mentioning: as a modern introduction to Reich's body-oriented personal growth worth, I think it's hard to beat Nick Totton's pithy and lucidly written book;

'Reichian Growth Work'


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Ob 5G, Chemtrails oder riesige Antennenanlagen (HAARP): Mensch, Tier und Umwelt sind heutzutage zahlreichen negativen Einflüssen und Manipulationen ausgesetzt. Während Chemtrails die Himmel vergiften und HAARP ganze Flüsse und Seen austrocknet, bieten unsere Sphärenharmonieanlagen einen wirksamen und erprobten positiven Gegenpol.

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