July 2, 2024

7 months ago

The controversial past of Edmonton’s current mayor:
“He thinks like a parasite and he is a parasite towards Canada,” says Bob Rai, the whistleblower of Regina Bypass Project scandal involving former infrastructure minister.

Accusations concerning Sohi center around his purported facilitation of Whiterock Ventures Inc. (WRV), a trucking company linked to his brother and election donors.

But the real question is: How could someone with the background of Amarjeet Sohi be elevated to such positions of power?

“He had to cover up his crimes committed in India, and he utilized a less than mediocre journalist named Paula Simons that worked for the Edmonton Journal and she basically whitewashed all of Amarjeet Sohi’s crimes — made him look like a freedom fighter and a living martyr when the true identity of Amarjeet Sohi was a Khalistani terrorist in India,” says Rai, who’s a former member of the Sikh religion.

Sohi denies being charged, but documents show otherwise.

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