Endless Refrain - Red Sweater (Official Lyric Video)

2 months ago

"Christmas In July" released 14th July 2024 features 10 rockin Christmas songs for those who celebrate Christmas in July and those who love Christmas songs all year round. The tenth and final song on the album is our new original Christmas song for all those who miss the ones that are no longer here to share special memories with.

Red Sweater

I gave you that red sweater, a symbol of our love,
A gift on Christmas, our union blessed from above,
Through the years it adorned you, a thread of memories,
Through toil and strife, it remained, a symbol of unity.

Our children’s messes stained it, and grandchildren’s too,
You washed and cared for it, with love that always grew,
That red sweater, a testament to the life we shared,
It warmed your body, just as you warmed my heart, I swear.

But now you lie here, cold to touch, as white as snow,
And I’ll keep that red sweater, where memories will glow,
Until we meet again, my love, in a realm afar,
I’ll hold it close to my heart, preserving love’s memoir.

Each thread that wove through our lives, a bond unbreakable,
That red sweater, a symbol, our connection palpable,
Through joys and sorrows, it wrapped us in its embrace,
A reminder of the love that time can never erase.

As I lay here where you slept, memories flood my mind,
The laughter, tears, and moments, in that red sweater, bind,
Though you’ve transcended this world, your love forever near,
I’ll keep that red sweater, as a testament so dear.

But now you lie here, cold to touch, as white as snow,
And I’ll keep that red sweater, where memories will glow,
Until we meet again, my love, in a realm afar,
I’ll hold it close to my heart, preserving love’s memoir.

So, as I walk through life’s seasons, and face each passing day,
That red sweater will be my solace, warming me on the way,
Until we reunite, my love, beneath the eternal star,
I’ll keep your memory alive, with your cherished red sweater.

© 2024 Endless Refrain


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