Media FAILS To Report On Deadly Chemicals Found In Hair Relaxers

7 months ago

Lawsuits have been filed against the makers of chemical hair relaxers after decades’ worth of studies have shown that the chemicals in these products can cause cancers and other serious health problems in women. But, as usual, the industry covered up these dangers for decades so they could continue to cash in. Mike Papantonio & Farron Cousins discuss more.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Lawsuits have been filed against the makers of chemical hair relaxers after decades worth of studies have shown that the chemicals in these products can cause cancer and other very serious health problems in women. But as usual, the industry covered up these dangers for decades. So they continue to make cash. The corporate media continues not to talk. Did you catch that in the story?
Why is corporate media been not out at front of this? Because of the companies that are involved, the companies advertising with their nightly news.
Yeah. L'Oreal, one of the biggest ones here.
Yeah. But that's so typical, isn't it?
We can't tell this story and I say this all the time because I used to do MSNBC with Ed Schultz, and we'd be in the close count, it was insane. We'd be in a close count and the tickle would be coming up, Mike Papantonio, Ed Schultz talk about Bayer product that's killing women, in between the tickle and the time I'm supposed to go on and talk about Bayer, we get a call all over the ear, Mike, we gotta change your story. We're gonna talk about constitutional law. Why? Because the company has called MSNBC and said, by God, if you do that, we're gonna cut back your advertising. Same thing here. Corporate media is dead, dysfunctional and died. I mean, they've died where it comes to taking care of consumer issues like this.
Right. And it's only after we get to the point where they have no choice but to cover it, which is exactly what's happened with the New York Times here. And to their credit, this is a great story. I've actually covered.
No, it is. But look, this has been around for 15 years, man.
It's going back to, what was it, 1990. They suspected it in 1995, the researchers. So they spent two years in 1997, they finally came out and said, we just spent two years looking at it. These chemical hair relaxers that are marketed to black women across the country, they're causing early onset puberty. They're causing uterine cancer, breast cancer, bladder cancer, all these horrible cancers. And it's because of these chemicals in this product. So these scientists didn't stop there. For the next 20 years they did more studies. It was like 43,000, more than 43,000 women they examined and they concluded after study, after study, after study, these chemical hair relaxers are killing these women.
Okay. You hit it on the head. Okay. You're roundup of that is exactly right. You know, we're handling these cases. And you go back and look at the documents, they've known forever. There's been small studies out there that have shown forever that, yeah, you know what? Formaldehyde is bad to put on somebody's head because it leeches to the brain. It becomes systemic in the body. Really? They knew that 20 years ago. Okay. People were looking at this 20 years ago, 15, 20 years ago, there were studies that said this might be a problem. But until the sister study came out, which is an important study, the sister study is an incredibly important study because it makes comparisons. It says two people that grew up together, they used this product. This person didn't use this. What are the differences there? Are there DNA issues? No, there's something that's external. The sister study is extremely important. But the point is, corporate media knew about this a long time. And there were many efforts on our people like us that said, you gotta cover this story. And you know who would cover it?

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