The Petrodollar: Past, Present, and Future – What It Means for You! | Ep 016

6 months ago

Dive into the history and evolution of the petrodollar with Kevin Freeman on Pirate Money Radio. Discover the geopolitical shifts that could change the economic landscape and affect the value of the American dollar. Learn about potential shifts towards gold-backed currencies and what prudent steps you can take to protect your finances. Join the conversation and empower your financial decisions with insights into global economic trends.


1. Introduction - [00:00:07]
2. Petrodollar History - [00:00:17]
3. De-Dollarization and Its Impacts - [00:01:06]
4. Historical Context and 1965 Events - [00:05:29]
5. 1971 Nixon Shock and Petrodollar Creation - [00:13:11]
6. Current Economic Issues and Comparison to Historical Events - [00:30:06]
7. The Role of Gold and Silver - [00:41:45]
8. Potential Solutions and Preparations - [00:44:00]

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