ROMANS #344, Tyrants are only as powerful as citizens allow them to be. (7-02-24)

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See: 2 Kings 21:1-18, 2 Chronicles 33:9-20

Throughout the ages, men have had to decide whether to submit to evil and simply do as they were told or to resist and do what was right. God demonstrates how He holds His people responsible for submitting to evil instead of resisting it in Jeremiah 15:4.

“Evil has no authority apart from human consent. We are the products of our own decisions. We are constantly as-signing authority to evil people who represent the cosmic [worldly] system. This is how dictators become oppressors of the people. This explains the rise of terror in the French Revolution, as well as the rise of Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler.” 137 R.B. Thieme Jr. Notes on “Authority”, point 8d.

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