Life on Earth: Lessons in Love

8 months ago

Francesco and Dr. Len interviewed Denby Sheather, a spiritual healer in Australia, and focused on how the political situation in Australia compares with what’s happening in America today. There is an underlying movement in both countries that imposes compliance by mandate rather than by freedom, sovereignty, and informed consent. Despite the general awareness of we the people, there isn’t yet sufficient discontent that leads to restoring to the will of the people above that of the government.

It is a human instinct to come together in community when there is a disaster of sufficient severity, but until that time there is all too often a complacency and acquiescence. At the very minimum there needs to be a coalition of likeminded individuals and organizations that creates a new community that has the strength in numbers and solidarity necessary to start a grassroots movement that can challenge the madness that is destroying our freedom and sovereignty.

This movement depends on creating a stage where personal stories can be shared as a common human experience. Once there is a heart felt connection between people, there is a natural desire to listen to one another and come together in solidarity.

The question was raised asking if humanity has evolved over billions of years, or is planet earth merely a place where challenging lessons are offered to teach us about living together in community.

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