Long Time Advisor Has Biden Running On A Losing Message

7 months ago

Democratic strategists are worried that President Biden has put too much faith in his long-time adviser, and his current election strategy could be a losing one. Instead of focusing on issues like the economy, Biden is being told to focus his message on “I’m better than Trump,” and that may not be enough this year. Mike Papantonio & Farron Cousins discuss more.

Link - https://www.axios.com/2024/06/19/biden-faith-campaign-mike-donilon-2024-election

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Democratic strategists are worried that President Biden has put too much faith in his longtime advisor and his current election strategy and it could be a losing one. Instead of focusing on issues like the economy, Biden's being told to focus on his message that I'm better than Trump and democracy is at risk. Haven't we seen this before? Doesn't this remind you of the Podesta brothers, those nut-bags that cost Hillary the election because they thought they could just run on hate Trump? And they had so much to talk about, right?
Yeah. This is a repeat of eight years ago. I'm better than Donald Trump. This guy's crazy. This guy's now a convicted felon. Look how bad he is on the issues. And the voters say, we know that. We've been through that, but why are you better? That's the key.
That's the point.
And what's happening now is that Biden has this advisor that has been by his side.
Oh, he's a bonehead, absolute bonehead.
Since 1981. He has had this guy working for him since 1981. So we're talking 43 years. Mike Donilon is his name and Donilon is telling him, no, no, no, no, no.
Fear for democracy.
That's his argument. Now, we've talked about this before, before this story ever surfaced, you and I were talking about what a ridiculous argument. How does the average American embrace, we're worried about democracy, January 6th is gonna change my vote, when they're worried about food, they're worried about mortgage payments, they're worried about fuel prices, they're worried about wars that are going on all around the world. They're worried about stuff that they talk about at the dinner table. They don't wake up and say, oh my God, if we elect Trump, democracy is at risk. You hear all of these talking heads on places like MSNBC or The View, I mean, you want to really watch nauseating discussion, watch The View. Force yourself to watch The View the entire time. Sit there and force yourself to watch it and they'll go off on these tangents, oh, democracy's at risk if Trump is elected. We're gonna lose democracy. Those arguments sound so ridiculous and there's only a fraction of the American public that buys it. You hear it on M-S-N-B-C and you hear it on the cables. What percentage of American public actually even watch?
Watches any cable news.
Watches any cable news, 3%. And that's where this comes from. Right?
So Donilon, what's his name? Mike Donilon.
Donilon. Okay. So he embraces that and says, we're gonna win by scaring the hell out of everybody that democracy is at risk. It's a ridiculous argument. He's being told. James Carville went completely ballistic with this guy and said, you idiot, talk about issues that matter.
Right. And you have, according to this report here, all of the other Biden advisors are trying to warn him, stop listening to this guy. He's wrong. Okay. So they know you've gotta talk about the infrastructure act. You've gotta talk about how the economy, while not perfect, is better. You have to do these things to show your accomplishments and what you want to do in the next four years. People know this guy is horrible. That's not even debatable except amongst his own supporters. You've gotta close the deal by telling us why you are better.
Farron, let me ask you, okay, you're sitting at the dinner table with your wife and your children, and you're talking about what are the issues of the day, do you begin with democracies at risk? Or do you begin with the fact that the milk they're drinking.

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