Hemi-Sync Guided Deep Breathing Meditation

8 months ago

The following video is a guided deep breathing meditation narrated by Pranayama Yoga instructor Eric Dubay and featuring hemi-sync binaural audio and isochronic frequencies for brainwave synchronization which has been shown to improve sleep, concentration, creativity, memory and flow state. Before beginning deep breathing practice it is highly recommended to use a Neti Pot with salt water to flush and clean out your sinuses as shown here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AP0T09QpIfI

Through daily Neti Pot cleansing in conjunction with the breathing exercises shown here, many students have completely healed their asthma, apnea, snoring, sinus and congestion issues. For the best effect be sure to wear headphones or ear buds!

For more about Pranayama Yoga and Deep Breathing Meditation: https://ericdubay.wordpress.com/2018/07/01/the-most-important-thing-in-your-life/
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