My FAV pizza place+Wendys!|part #1|5ish PM|🍕🤓🍔🍴🍟🤤

8 months ago

Hi babe! 👋🏾 today(July 2/24),we are having pizza+burgers for dinner! I have so much going on! I ended up running an erand and, bringing back food! 😬 this really wasn't planned, but oh well! There will be a part #✌🏾 also. I came back to eat and, chat and, I ended up doing a reading. The download came through about a TON of people ALL going down at the same time! Something about a July court date 🤷🏾‍♀️ the signs i called out were Leo+Virgo+Aquarius and,then those SAME signs flew out! 😳 anyway,it was a lot! Part ✌🏾 is like 25min long! I'll try and, upload that in a bit. I'm pretty busy with my babies right now. Anyway, hopefully I get to it today. Later babes! 😘

🏳️‍for entertainment purposes *ONLY*!
🚩this video was created for ages 1️⃣8️⃣+
rated-R for language...🙊🤫🙊

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