Starmer imposed ‘high quality’ candidate goes to pieces on film!

2 months ago

Right, so the Labour Party National Executive Committee imposing candidates on local constituency parties rather than letting them select their own candidates has very much been a defining aspect of Keir Starmer’s authoritarianism leading up to the election, he only wanting people who seemingly won’t question him, people from his faction installed and blow to what local people want, let alone when it comes to actual representation by someone who knows their areas and puts their local needs first. Where some of the more well known impositions of this election might be the replacement of Jeremy Corbyn with a multimillionaire private healthcare CEO, or members of that Labour NEC awarding themselves safe seats where they have no local connection, all for the sake of becoming MPs, not caring one iota about where they are supposed to represent, like Luke Akehurst, have caused considerable anger, but another less known example, but a no less disgusting imposition has really shown just how poor some Labour parliamentary candidates and you have to see this to believe it.
Right, so that was Chris Ward, the Starmer imposition on Brighton Kemptown and Peacehaven and if you might have been wondering perhaps why the Green Party is doing so well this time around in that seat, frankly wonder no more. He couldn’t detest being questioned by a local person more if he tried could he? He was really annoyed, that’s the first impression you get. He didn’t want to make a statement on Israel and Gaza, he was quite sulky about that, he was quite sulky about being filmed, it was the Brighton & Hove Palestine Solidarity Campaign who were filming and asking questions incidentally, hence the Palestine flags seen, but Ward? Well, get used to being filmed and questioned like that if you want to be an MP, but he eventually managed to stutter out that he supported a ceasefire, now Starmer supports one of course, he doesn’t think there should be arms sales to Israel, which I’d give him props for actually if he didn’t in the next breath say that he didn’t support sanctions against Israel either and when asked why could only sulkily snap, because I don’t. Well, how many more innocent people need die in which case before you would place sanctions on Israel then?
When confronted about the news of the UN report that came out on the 20th June I presume is the one being discussed that came from the Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights, saying countries selling arms to Israel could be complicit in war crimes, he was looking around, fidgeting, clearly wanting to be anywhere but where he was.
But then his claim to want to stop weapons being exported fell to pieces as this claim then ended up exposing just how little he knows about the constituency he is standing in, how little he has bothered actually to find out and when no answer to that came he scuttled off as fast as his little legs could carry him.
He was asked about the L3 Harris factory in Brighton, which makes parts for the F-35 jets the IDF use and was asked what they make there. Now, as a major arms manufacturer in your constituency, you’d think you’d know if they made anything contentious, Ward was under the impression the local council had put a stop to it, making me wonder what on Earth he thinks the role of local councils is if he thinks they have so much power, but it might come as a shock to him to learn actually they have no say over what a factory can actually manufacture and when asked specifically if he knew what was being made in that factory that made the place as argued by the UN as potentially complicit in genocide Chris Ward didn’t have a scooby, but said as much in a manner where he knew he was about to be told and getting the exact response he deserved, by having his reasons for standing in a constituency he knows nothing about evidently, questioned. He just kept rabbiting on about the council and requirements for planning permission, what he was going on about was a planning application by L3 Harris to retain a temporary extension that had been erected. They lost. It has nothing to do with what the factory actually makes and he was asked pointed, do you know what the arms factory in our city currently makes and he could only come back with, not specifically, no. He wasn’t interested in finding out either as at this point he decided to run for shelter in the Labour Party office, where on his way through the doors, he was told, they make the bomb release cradles for F-35s. The means for dropping bombs from Israeli F-35 jets are made in this country, in Brighton and Chris Ward their wannabe Labour MP, didn’t know that and clearly didn’t care to know either, his campaign supporters locking themselves in.
It was one of the most stand out pieces of footage of this general Election campaign for me, because that there is I have no doubt a scene being replicated up and down the country as completely unsuitable, ill informed candidates who more often than not are not local, who are being imposed in areas Labour figures it can win, not to represent them as decent local MPs, but just as an exercise to gt these people into parliament to support Starmer in whatever the hell he wants to do. This video footage should serve as a warning for anyone in Labour leaning areas to just think long and hard about who exactly it is standing for Labour in your area, what they are like, who they are, are they local, did your local Labour Party get a say in selecting them, because if they have just been parachuted in from elsewhere, then they have in all likelihood, zero intention of representing you, rolling their eyes at any notion that that is what they are there for, when there election means instead of representing you, they’ll be representing Starmer and Starmer alone.
Chris Ward himself for example, is literally a former aide to Keir Starmer and someone Starmer apparently requested be handed a seat and the eat he got handed was that of progressive Labour MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle, another of the left wing Socialist Campaign Group of MPs who had a complaint ever so conveniently made about him just before candidacies were cut off, resulting in his suspension and inability to stand as MP for Brighton Kemptown and Peacehaven. If the allegation that Starmer requested a seat for his mate Ward and time was all but up to announce candidates, a cynic might think Russell-Moyle was sidelined to make room for him, the timing really was awfully convenient after all. As for the sort of person Ward is, author and former Corbyn speechwriter Alex Nunns put out a rather informative tweets about that:
‘My friend worked under Chris Ward, Starmer's advisor who's being imposed as a candidate in Brighton. My friend alleges Ward "basically bullied me out of the job. It was unrelenting: gaslighting, passive-aggressive." He says when he told Ward he was disabled, Ward "ramped it up."’
Well in this instance, perhaps the people of Brighton are on to him, already he has struggled in his campaign with so many local members disgusted they’ve had this Starmer stooge imposed on them, instead of the popular Russell-Moyle and this has been reiterated since in a recent article in Bloomberg, that names Ward as one of a number of candidates, in a number of Labour seats, that Labour may well lose and that is despite Lloyd Russell-Moyle have left a majority of just over 8,000. A strong and growing campaign behind Green Party candidate Elaine Hills meaning this seat could be an unexpected bonus for the Green Party come Thursday night.
At any rate, this video footage underlines the fact that when Starmer and Labour shadow ministers crop up on TV and talk about high quality candidates, this footage is proof to my mind, that they’re having a laugh and this is nothing more than a naked power grab and consolidation of Starmer’s position at the top of the party and actually that is literally all that matters to Labour now. Local representation in seats across the country looks set to go south and the bigger Starmer’s majority, the worse that picture will be.
I made a video the other day about other Labour names set to be casualties in constituencies not prepared to be taken for granted, names to watch out for on Thursday night for definite, you can find out all about them in this video recommendation here and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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