Prophet Julie Green - Great Shaking Is Coming to Your Justice Department - Captions

8 months ago

In this prophetic word, God is warning the United States Justice Department of the exposure and removal of those who are against Him and the nation. He promises to reveal the truth behind classified documents, cover-ups, and sabotage, and to bring justice to those who have committed crimes. He reassures His people that He is their deliverer and victory, and that judgment will come to both the righteous and the wicked, including those within the body of Christ.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:


Today’s Scriptures:

2 Cor. 2:14
2 Cor. 5:7
Eccles. 3:17
Heb. 10:30
Hosea 12:6
Job 12:22
Prov. 21:15
Prov. 24:24-25
Neh. 9:5-38
Deut. 30:19
Ps. 34:17, 19
Heb. 6:18-19
Ps. 75:7
Ps. 37, 33, 9 (full chapters)
Gal. 6:7
Prov. 16:18
Isa. 54:17
Luke 18:8

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COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International


Good morning, everybody. Today is Thursday and it's already June 20th of 2024. I just feel like this year has gone by. Extremely fast and it's hard to believe it's almost at the end of June and we're almost in July I don't know about you guys, but I do feel that way. That's for sure If you did miss Patrick, Dave and I yesterday go and watch it.

It was an amazing show I knew it was going to be I could just feel God all over it. It was powerful. There was great revelation, great confirmation. Things are working and another thing that we had to be praying for is because When things are in the perfect timing of God, I was just getting a prophetic word early this morning I don't know about 4 30 or so this morning and one of the things that God was Continuously saying that we're at a crossroad.

So I will give that prophetic word out at some point You But we are at a crossroads. We are at a time of decision making. We're at a time where we're either going to believe God or we're going to believe the reports of the enemy. We're going to press through all the attacks of the enemy, or we are going to give in because even yesterday, I mean, there was attacks, there was also things that have happened in my own life that were discouraging, but I'm telling you what we have to do is yes, you can respond in a certain way, but you can't But always turn to God with what the problem is and give it to him and let him resolve that problem because God is a problem solver.

And so when the enemy comes a knocking, when the enemy comes attacking, you give that to God and God will wipe him out. He will destroy him. He will annihilate him because that's what God does against our enemy because God is Told us in his word that he has annihilated him. He's brought him to nothing and he has disarmed him.

So when God sees the attacks of our enemy, which he does, God does see the enemy attacking. And when we do see the enemy, we're experiencing that. We say, God, this is what the enemy is doing. And I thank you. Your word says. And then go on with the scriptures that he's been giving us, that God always causes you to triumph, or God is the one that's, he's in charge and just give it to him because when the enemies come way one way, they will flee before you seven ways.

Give your issues, your problems, your cares over to God, because sometimes just like when we were talking about with pastor Dave yesterday, sometimes you can hit a wall. People hit a wall. They can hit a pause. There's all of a sudden like a pause in a situation. You look like you're going forward. And then you're like, you're just in a standstill.

Sometimes when we're at a standstill, that is the crossroads of decision making of we're going to go over here. We're going to trust God, or we're going to go over here and we're going to be defeated. God is giving you that pause sometimes for you to sit and reflect and what God is saying what God is doing To get you back up on your faith.

It gets you strong back up and standing on his word believing in him trusting in him Because if we have those cares in our hands and if we're trying to hold on to everything And we're trying to fix everything That means God can't, and so if God can't, because it's in our hands, that's why sometimes there's a pause, and you're asking, God, why can't I go forward?

Are you trying to figure this out on your own? Are you trying to help God? I'm telling you like I told you yesterday, God will tell you He doesn't need your help. He just needs you to trust in him and his ability. He's promised you that he's going to get you through these situations. He's promised you the victory.

He's promised you that he'll show up in impossible situations. And he will that's that part where we walk by faith and not by sight This is where right now we fight the good fight of faith This is where right now that we have to put on our whole armor of god every single day We have to stand and fight with that battle There was that armor because god is the one who gives us that strength because sometimes we're trying to fight things On our own ability our own strength our own intelligence, and we can't do that You're, you are limited when you are doing things by yourself, but when you have given it to God, then God is telling you, then I am unlimited God and I will make sure that no matter what's going on in your life, I will take care of it for you because you're trusting me and you're allowing me in because that's one thing as a child of the most high God is what we have to do is we have to let God allow him in, allow him to work.

I told you many times, he's told me before, let go and let me flow, let go and let me flow. Because if we have it in our hands, our hands are not big enough. You put it over into God's hands, his hands are more than capable and his hands are big enough to solve the situation and the problem that you're facing.

A lot of the times, the body of Christ, and again, including myself at times. You, you don't want to give up that control. You're just trying to, you're trying to fix it. And God's saying, no, I'm not asking you to fix it. I'm asking you to trust me to fix it. I'm asking you to trust me to let me work. Because if you let me work, then you will have my answer and the result that I wanted you to have.

And so that's why Christians have to start letting go and letting those cares Over to God. I'm gonna do something a little bit differently today. Okay. I want to pray over you really quickly Before we go on with this prophetic word Because I feel that so many people are burdened down with some of these cares And these worries and all these situations and circumstances that they haven't in their own life That it could distract them from not hearing the word of God and what he needs you and wants you to hear today So I want to pray over you heavenly father right now in jesus name I lift up every person right now the sound of my voice And I thank you father god right now that you have got them in the palm of your hand I want to thank you father god right now That they are casting all their cares, all their worries, all their stress, all their frustrations right now onto you.

And I command you right now, Satan, I command you to release them with that spirit of heaviness over them, that spirit of hopelessness and despair and frustration and overwhelming. Circumstances, I break your power over them. I break the assault on them I break that torture in their minds and torture in their bodies or torture in their family We break those assignments right now from the pit of hell you are released in the name of Jesus Christ And I thank you father God right now by your power and by your love and by your glory That they are casting those cares upon you right now because you care for them.

And we thank you, father, God, that you are the El Shaddai, you are the God who nothing is impossible, but you are father, God, the answer and the solution to every problem that they're facing to every problem in our nation and every problem around the world. Because you are God. Are the way maker and you are that answer and so we thank you father god that the distractions are destroyed We thank you father god that your angels are employed That they are they are deployed on our on our behalf that they are moving on our behalf And we thank you for it in jesus name.

Amen. So the angels are at work God is at work You just need to know that god is so all of you that have had going on with problems in your life You That is stressing you out, weighing you down, burdening you, overwhelming you, distracting you, bringing you that hopelessness and that heaviness upon you.

God is saying, let go and let him flow. Okay? Let it go and let him flow. And once we let these things go and we give them over to God, then guess what? Then God is that answer. And he's that solution that we need to all those problems. So I just had to do that. I just felt like I had to do that before we went on because God wants people to hear what he has to say and give us the scriptures that he has for us today.

And a lot of people, just like in Sunday services, if they go, they're sick and they go, they're worried and they go, they're fearful and they go, they're anxious and they go there with all these cares, they're going to be distracted. Then they're not going to hear their answer. And God has the answer for them.

And God has the answer for you. God is answering your prayers on a daily basis, but a lot of times we may not hear it. We're distracted because of those cares, those worries, those frustration, those fears. And God is saying, let go and let him flow, let him in and you will win. That's what God is saying to all of us today.

Now I want to get to this word. This one is from. Hold on. Let me get it up. This is from the 16th. And this one is called a great shaking is coming to the justice department. The great shaking or a great shaking is coming to the justice department. Now this word I did not get to with pastor Dave yesterday.

I kind of gave a little hint on a couple of things because there were so many things that we were talking about yesterday. I mean, we could have gone on for another hour and a half and I still would not have been able to go through all the things. That God had for that broadcast and what he had for all of us.

And so we just, that's, I mean, we used to go an hour and now it's an hour and a half. It's like an hour and a half, not even enough. So, cause there's so many things that are happening right now. It's so awesome what God is doing in our lives right now and how he's using so many different people. It's, it's just, it's, it's amazing.

And yes, I did see when I was looking up to look at the time, I did see somebody say to pray for Barry Wunsch, so, I guess he's asking for prayers. I don't know exactly what's going on with him, but keep him up in your prayers as well. Okay. Now in this prophetic word again, this is where he's going to start talking to the justice department in this nation Okay, and he's going to start warning them of what's about to happen to them. All right.

It says woe to those in the united states justice department You think you can hide your crimes behind your doors and your twisted version of the law? You think you are safe because your positions and power and the ones who gave you those seats.

A great shakeup will take place in your department for not only this nation to see, but for all the world to see. I'm exposing and removing Merrick Garland, but I will expose and remove everyone who is against me and this nation. A whistleblower is coming to wipe out your plans so real justice can be served.

By me. I told you enemies of Almighty God, your time in power is about to expire, saith the Lord of hosts. Documents, emails, phone conversations, surveillance footage, text messages, all these things. Secret conversations, secret deals made by the White House. Pulled off by the House of Representatives, the Senate, the AG's offices, the FBI, the CIA, and every deal and every steal.

It's all been a setup and a lie. It'll all be proven who the real criminals are. There'll be no hiding or denying it, enemies of this nation. Judgment is about to hit your place where you sit. In those seats of control where you choose who lives and who dies, twisting the truth to fit your narrative and to protect yourselves, you go after everyone who is a threat to you and your crimes, your businesses, your crime bosses and their families,

and you will all fall. No one will be left standing who is against me or this nation.

Hold on, my children, for document after document, video after video, phone call after phone call, email after email. Their servers will be shown on how they kept it off the record and off the books. How they've pulled off so much for so long. As of all this truth has come out, pouring out as a truth comes pouring out, they will try to bring distraction and chaos.

But remember who wins and who loses. Your enemies are coming down, never to be in the positions of power again, saith the Lord.

Jack Smith will be exposed. His directions and instructions from the White House on how to prosecute, how to proceed against my David will all blow up. A whistleblower is coming to crash the party to prove who is behind these indictments and the classified documents scandal is about to blow wide open.

And Not against my David, but the ones who set him up.

Classified documents are about to be a nightmare for the ones in Washington, DC,. and the establishment. Some documents have been classified that are about to be seen by the public. Destroying their narrative and the deep state from proceeding with their next moves forward. It's all coming crashing down like a house of cards saith the Lord of .Hosts. Fani Willis: There is more to her story and her connection and her payoff along with her instructions... these doors are about to be opened wide in Georgia to show who the real criminals are. All your enemies in every state are about to wish You They never went through with their plans, against my David, or this nation.

Bank records, bank accounts, and are about to be in the news for a significant reason. Many people who were paid to steal the 2020 election, along with other elections, are about to be exposed everywhere. Slip ups and massive mistakes and cover ups did not work. They intimidated, threatened anyone and everyone

who was onto them and they knew the truth would destroy them all. So they tried to put out many fires to hide their treasonous acts, but they couldn't hide them all no matter how smart they think they are. People have made major mistakes over the years and these mistakes are about to be exposed.

I have told you before, children, my children, the big lie of 2020 in your elections and what they have been doing for so long, it's all going to collapse. I allowed them to steal, but now it's time for the great reveal, saith the Lord.

A death in the White House had been covered up, and that cover up is about to be uncovered for the world to see.

Kosinski! This name will be in your news for a significant reason. My children, I told you to watch your waters, and I have repeatedly said the Atlantic Ocean, and many things are taking place that have been hidden from you. But, soon, we'll be seeing what was hidden in your waters off your coasts.

A spy balloon will be in your news for a significant reason. I will reveal to this nation how they have been using your skies to destroy you and spy on you to bring your nation down.

Your enemies have crossed your border. They have been in the skies above you, have been in the water surrounding you, have infiltrated your governments, military, churches, medical industry, food industry, your corporations, and everything you see in everything in your nation. They have been hiding underground in tunnels, and some have been hiding in plain sight.

That will act just like you when they are your enemies. You ask, Lord, how can we overcome all of this? My children, don't you see yet? All you need is me. I can wipe it out all in a day. My hand is moving to destroy it all, and their plans, their armies, are nothing compared to my army. And my power against them.

I am your answer to every problem. I am saving this nation and the nations around the world from these globalists and these murderers. Keep standing on my word. Keep trusting in me and you will see. I'm your deliverer and your victory and they are right around the corner saith the Lord, your Redeemer.

And then this is another one where I continue to pray. And then I heard more words. Now I kept hearing this word and this is not a word I normally hear. I didn't know what it was or what it meant until he, I kept hearing this word scat, S K A T. I just kept hearing this word over and over and over again.

And so I started paying attention to what he was saying. So I wrote that word down. And then he said after I heard this word, "scat, this military term will be in your news for a significant reason." So it's a military term. I didn't know that. I've never heard of it. I don't know. So apparently this term will be in your news and whatever it means is whatever it means.

And you'll figure it out when you see it. And I'm sure that somebody here is in the military and they may not, they may know what that that meaning is. But anyway, an air traffic controller will be in your news for a shocking reason. And then he says, you haven't heard all yet regarding Boeing.

Many more secrets are about to be revealed that will not be hidden what all they have been up to to cover up for what they have been paid to do Against you so They've been paid to do something against you. So you're going to start hearing more about Boeing. Sabotage this word will be in your news repeatedly showing you things you have been told were accidents were not accidents at all now again God has been saying this word over and over again that word sabotage Okay, that word sabotage.

He's been talking about it and he's saying a lot of things that we've been told around the world or in our nation were accidents were not accidents. They were actually sabotage and he's going to reveal it. Another report will be in your news for a significant reason. Another, or sorry, another port, not a report.

Another port will be in your news for a significant reason. Another incident will take place and I will reveal who is behind them all. So watch a port that will be in your news. So we have seen ports. We have seen harbors God's been telling us to watch the waters. And so we're going to start seeing more and more regarding those things.

Okay. So. Another thing that a lot of people are wanting and we've been talking about this for a long time Is justice. And so there's been a lot of injustice. A lot of people are frustrated because of two tier justice system. A lot of people are upset at what has been going on. They don't think because, because the enemies right now, it looks like they have all control of our justice system.

They think justice can't be served. And so when I heard this word, then I was going back over and dictating it. And I was going back over all the scriptures about justice. God is a God of justice. It doesn't matter what it looks like. It doesn't matter what it appears like. God is a God of justice. So I'm going to go over some scriptures with you today to give you that encouragement that God will do what he says in his word, he will do.

And he's a God of justice. So if you look at Ecclesiastes. And it says, I said to myself, God will bring into judgment both the righteous and the wicked. For there will be a time for every activity, a time to judge for every deed. Now again, God doesn't just judge the enemies of Almighty God. But He also judges the house of the Lord, and that's the reason why you're starting to see Some of the things going on in the church with some of these scandals and some of these exposures, because God even said that there was going to be shaking, everything that could be shaken would be shaken.

And that includes the body of Christ because he's separating the wheat from the chaff. He's separating his remnant from the rest of the body that refuse to walk in line with the head, which is Jesus Christ. There are people that are more walking in the line of the world than walking in the line of Jesus and believing what Jesus is saying and they'd rather believe what the world is saying.

We also saw what happened in the wilderness how they wanted to go back as slaves. It's hard to comprehend. They wanted to go black as slaves to the egyptians because it looked more normal and it looked more easier And that's what they knew and that's what they were comfortable with and so right now there's that shaking going on because we have a They have we're at that crossroads to believe what god is saying or to believe what the enemies are saying So there is going to be judgment on both people who are in the body of christ and people who are in the world And who are against almighty God.

So it's gonna be both because there are people that were chosen by God that refused to do God's will, or they chose a path of the shiny objects. They were they were deceived into going the wrong direction and then they were going and shepherding their flock in the wrong direction as well. And unfortunately you don't want to hear that.

I don't even like talking about it, but that's what's going to happen because there's things going on in the churches that God has to. clean out. All right. Now, obviously you obviously go to Hebrews 10 and verse 30. That's one of my favorite scriptures going through certain things in my own life. Hebrews chapter 10 and verse 30.

This is a classic amplified edition or version to this one. I'm going to read for. We know him who said vengeance is mine. Retribution and the meting out of full justice rests with me. I will repay. I will exact the compensation, says the Lord. And again, the Lord will judge and determine and solve and settle the cause and the cases of his people.

Now, he says the full justice rests with me. So if we need justice in our life, or we need justice in our nation, who do we look to? We look to God, who he says right here, that meting out of full justice rests with me. We're not supposed to get revenge. We're supposed to let God avenge us because he said, Vengeance.

Is mine. Let's look up that word and what the definition of vengeance is.

Vengeance, the definition of that is punished, afflicted, or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong. Punished, inflicted, or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong. That's the definition. And the meaning of vengeance is the act of killing, injuring, or harming someone because they have harmed you.

That is a definition and the meaning of the word vengeance. And again, God said, vengeance is. Mine. And then he says the full justice rests with me. That's the reason why we have to let God be God. We want things to go a certain way or we, a lot of times we tend to look back in like our country's history and what's happened before.

Well, that's not what's going to happen right now. That's why God keeps using the word unprecedented and unconventional. We're going to see things in this country. We're going to see things all around the world that are unprecedented and unconventional. So things that have not happened like this before, there's no comparing it.

It's not the same way. Just like right now, as we're seeing this election unfold, we're seeing that there's no political ads. We're seeing that there is one political party using another political party using the full well, injustice department that they have, that they have designed in justice department, and they have it going against another political opponent.

That's never happened like this before and to this degree, they've never gone after someone like this. It's unconventional. You also have something that's so unconventional as a supposed, you know, president of a country who can't talk, who can't walk, doesn't know where he is, doesn't know where to go or where to stand.

And I won't say other things that he's done in public, but I'm telling you it's unconventional. This is not how things are normally are. He had, just like the other day, he had, Obama had to walk him off the stage. And then you have the, you know, lamestream media saying that these are all deepfake videos.

They're real. Some of these were on CNN and MSNBC and they're saying they're deepfaked. Really? Again, more disinformation and more distraction. So again, what we have to realize is that we are living in unprecedented times and we're living in times where things are extremely, very unconventional. This 2020 election is not a normal election.

This presidency that we see before us is not a normal presidency. It's not normal. If you look back at how times passed, how real presidents act, this is not how this person acts at all, at all. Things are not how they appear to be. And if people knew how presidents really are supposed to act and are really supposed to be, they would obviously know this is not how it is.

We are living in unconventional and unprecedented times. Now let's go to the word justice again. So God is a God of justice. Well, what is justice? Just behavior or treatment. So if you look up the meaning of justice, justice is the ethical idea that people are to be treated impartially, fairly, properly, and reasonably by the law and by the arbitrators of the law, that the law are ensure that there's no harm befalls another, and that where harm is alleged, a re medical action taken both the accuser and the accused receive.

So again, justice is where things are happening that if there's something that's done against you, that will be prosecuted. There is justice. There is the wrongs that are made right. There are criminals that are actually incriminated and they are served with a sentence or a jail time or whatever it is.

There are things that are going on right now that it looks like this is never going to happen. And God is telling us that is exactly the wrong thing to believe because God, the throne, the foundation of his throne is justice and righteousness. So let's look up more scriptures. Hosea 12 6 Hosea 12 6 and it says but you must return to your God maintain love and justice and wait for your God Always it's not in our timing.

It's in God's timing And I'm telling you, God is never late, even though it feels that way. And then Job 12 and verse 22, Job 12 and verse 22 says, he reveals a deep things of darkness. And brings utter darkness in to the light So we've seen a lot of darkness and a lot of this darkness has brought a lot of injustice And god is saying he's going to bring that darkness in to light He's going to expose he's going to show the truth everything that's been hidden will now be revealed And with that when you see the truth the truth sets people free and light again light brings freedom Because where light is, God is, and where God is, there is freedom.

There's freedom and there's joy.

Proverbs 21 and verse 15. Proverbs 21 and 15. When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous, But terror to evil doers. Proverbs 2115. When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous, but terror to the evil doers. Let's go on to another scripture and proverbs. Proverbs 24, verse 24 through 25.

Proverbs 24, verse 24 through 25. Whoever says to the guilty, you are innocent. Will be cursed by peoples and denounced by nations. Verse 25 But it will go well with those who are can convict convict the guilty and rich blessing will come to them So we see right now that we have guilty people that are presumed innocent and Innocent people are presumed guilty and God is saying remember in the last days You Evil will be portrayed as good.

Good as evil. So remember when Righteous people are in control the people rejoice But when evil people are in control the people mourn so right now you can see Who is in control and what's going on around the world? A lot of people, because of inflation, because of injustice, and because of all these criminals, and all these criminal acts, and all these acts of treason are going unpunished.

That's why people are mourning, and that's why people are living in such darkness, and despair, and hopelessness, and grief. Because the wrong people are in control. But again, sometimes things have to be allowed. Now I want to read something to you. One of my dear friends, Angie. Thank you, Angie. I was talking with her yesterday and I was going over with her.

We were talking about Nehemiah. Nehemiah, and God had me starting reading Nehemiah chapter nine. So turn to Nehemiah chapter nine, and I'm going to start with verse, let me see here, the latter part or the, the end part verse five, cause it goes through a whole bunch of names. And then it says stand and shout praises to the lord the eternal god praise his wonderful name So he is greater than words can express so they were thanking him and worshiping him For how good is god is that's how what we should be doing all the time.

We should be thanking him And praising him for all the things that he has promised and that he has done. Now let's look at verse 6. You alone are the Lord, creator of the heavens and all the stars. You're the creator of the earth and those who live on it. You're the creator of the ocean and all of its creatures.

You are the source of life, praised by the stars that fill the heavens. Verse 7. You are the Lord, our God. The one who chose Abram, and you brought him from Ur and Babylonia, and you named him Abraham, verse 8. Because he was faithful, you made an agreement to give his descendants the land of Canaanites, the Hittites.

The Amorites, the Pezorites, the Jebusites, and the the Jervisites, or the I'll probably pronounce that word. And you have kept your promises just as you always do. Now, if I pronounce words wrong, I'm only human, and I apologize for that. Now it goes on to verse 9. When our ancestors, now look, this is the point we're getting to.

They're praising God for how awesome He is, and all of His promises, how He kept His promises, how big He is, He's the creator of this earth, He's created all the stars in the heavens, and everything is aligned and obeys Him. So, they're reminding themselves of the awesomeness of Almighty God. I think a lot of us have to do that on a daily basis, realizing how true God is and how amazing He is.

Because a lot of times we're looking at our problem and we're focusing that on our problem and that's Overwhelming us and then we're forgetting how awesome God is. So they're remembering how amazing God is now Look at verse 9. This whole chapter is amazing. You need to read it when our ancestors were in Egypt You saw their suffering when they were at the Red Sea You heard their cry for help.

Now listen to what they're saying. Again, they're remembering what happened with their ancestors. God, you saw their suffering and you heard their cry for help. Verse 10. You knew that the king of Egypt and his officials and his nation had mistreated your people. So you worked fearsome miracles against the Egyptians and earned a reputation that still remains.

What reputation was that? That God is the great I am. It doesn't matter. The King, the Pharaoh, the nation, the army that was against him. There is there nothing compared to him. That was the reputation. And look what it says in verse 11, you divided the red or the deep sea. You divide the deep sea and your people walk through on dry land, but.

You toss their enemies in and you sank them down like a heavy stone. Again, this is a full justice rest with God. This is God's vengeance. God's people saw it. And his enemies experienced it.

Verse 12. This is again, Nehemiah 9 and verse 12. This is the, the CEV translation. Each day you led your people with a thick cloud and at night you showed the way with flaming fire. Verse 13 at Sinai, you came down from heaven and you gave your people good laws and teachings that are fair and honest.

Verse 14. You commanded them to respect. Your holy sabbath and you instructed your servant moses to teach them your laws Verse 15 when they were hungry you sent bread from heaven and when they were thirsty You let water flow from a rock. Then you commanded them to capture the land that you had solemnly promised.

So God showed him, he was their deliverer. God showed him that he was their guide. He was their protector. He was their provider. He provided water. He provided manna from heaven, and he promised the land to him. They were just supposed to walk right in. Wasn't supposed to be an issue. Now look what happens next.

So you're thinking this story is going to go good, but you guys know the end of this story and what happened to some of the people who mocked God, who turned from God, who questioned God, who just disrespected him. They forgot who he was. Verse 16. Our stubborn ancestors refused to obey. They forgot about the miracles you had worked for them, and they were determined to return to Egypt and become slaves again.

And the reason why this is so important, and I was reading this this morning, and I was as I was in prayer, I said, Lord, I don't understand. Why? Would they be so foolish? They saw your awesome power. They saw your vengeance. They saw that you delivered them. They experienced it. They saw that you were their provider, that you were their protector, that you were their guide,

but they still didn't trust him. They didn't want to walk by faith. They wanted to walk by sight. They wanted things to just be given to them and handed to them. So when things got tough or the things looked like they were going the wrong direction, they didn't trust.

They wanted somebody just to automatically take care of them when they didn't have to do anything for it. Well, that's not how it works. Yes. God's promised to take care of us. Yes. God's promised to provide for us. Yes. God's promised to protect us. And the only thing he's asking us to do is to trust him.

That's what we're supposed to do. Our job is to trust God. Amen. Not in ourself, not in man, not in our laws, not in the way that things are go. We're supposed to trust in God and they refused. They even said our stubborn ancestors. But look how awesome God is. Verse 17, Nehemiah 9, 17. But our God you are merciful and you're quick to forgive.

You are loving and kind and very patient. So you never turned away from them, verse 18, not even when they made an idol shaped like a calf Insulted you by claiming. This is the God who rescued us from Egypt

How stupid were they but even the elect can Be deceived doesn't mean they always will it means they will have opportunities to be deceived Whether they fall for those opportunities or not, it's up to them. God says in his word, in Deuteronomy 30 verse 19, I said before you life and death, blessing and cursing, you choose.

We're supposed to choose truth or lie. But if we're spending more time with God, Then we won't be easily deceived. But if we're walking in the world and we're walking and talking and acting like the world, then we're good. Then we can be easily deceived. Not that we will be, but you'll have more opportunities to be deceived.

Then let's keep reading. Look what happens. Verse 19, because of your great mercy, you never abandoned them in the desert. You always guided them with a cloud by day. And fire by night. God never abandoned them. God didn't abandon us Even though maybe walking like we're walking in this wilderness right now.

We don't know what's going to happen. God did not abandon us This is where God's people Believers need to believe and trust in God verse 20 Your gentle spirit instructed them and you gave them manna to eat and water to drink verse 21 You took good care of them for 40 years They never lacked a thing You Look at that.

They never lacked credit. A thing that says their clothes didn't wear out and their feet were never swollen. That was supernatural. Verse 22, you let them conquer Kings and take their land and including King of Shihon of Hasbon and King Og of Bashan. And you brought them into the land that you promised and their ancestors and you bless their nation with people that outnumber the stars in the sky.

So we had them take over kings and kingdoms and nations. That's what God does.

Verse 24. Their descendants conquered the land. You helped them defeat the kings and the nations and treat their enemies however they wished. Verse 25. They captured strong cities and rich farmland. They took furnished houses as well as cisterns, vineyards, olive orchards, and numerous fruit trees. They ate till they were satisfied and they celebrated about your abundant blessings.

They had a wealth transfer They were taking over nations and they were getting houses full of things that they didn't have to fill They were taking over all over all of The vineyards and all of trees they were taking over all these things that the enemy had done But god was rewarding god's people and he was giving them all the things that the enemy had it was a transfer That's what gaga does and you think You By having God move on for them over and over and over and over and over again, you would think they would trust God.

Look what happens in verse 26. In spite of this, they rebelled and disobeyed your laws. They killed your prophets who warned them to turn back to you, and they cursed your name. There's always been a war against prophets. Always. The enemy doesn't want God's word to be heard. He doesn't want people awake.

He doesn't want people to follow God's and his instructions. So there's always been a war against them.

Verse 27, you handed them over to their enemies who treated them terribly, but in their suffering, they begged you to help from heaven. You listen to their prayers and because of your great mercy. You set leaders to rescue them. So even when they deserved to be abandoned after slapping God in the face, time and time again, not trusting in him, not obeying him, not remembering what he has already done for them, they were turned over to their enemies and they could have been left there, but he didn't, he didn't leave them there.

He sent leaders to save them. So sometimes even when a nation gets comfortable and turns away from God, And they cry out for help. God will send them a leader to save them, but it's by God and God alone, not by one man in one person's ability or their intelligence. It's by God. Verse 28, still Nehemiah 9, verse 28, when they were at peace, they would turn against you and you would hand them over to their enemies.

And it would beg for help because you are merciful. You rescued them over and over again, verse 29. You warned them to turn back and discover true life by obeying your laws, but they've stubbornly refused and continue to sin,

verse 30. For years, you were patient. And your spirit warned them with messages spoken by your prophets, still they refused to listen. And you handed them over to their enemies. Verse 31. Be your merciful and kind, and so you never forgot them or let them be destroyed. Verse 32. Our God, you are powerful, fearsome, and faithful, always true to your word.

So keep in mind the terrible sufferings of your people, kings and leaders, priests and prophets. From time of Assyria ruled until this very day, verse 33, you have always been fair when you punished us for our sins, verse 34. Our kings and leaders, our priests and ancestors have never obeyed your commands or heeded your warnings, verse 35.

You bless them with a kingdom with abundance of rich and fertile land, but they refuse to worship you or turn from their evil, verse 36. Now we are slaves in this fruitful land. You gave to our ancestors is plentiful and harvest is taken by kings and placed over, over us because of our sins. Our suffering is unbearable because they do as they wish.

To us and our livestock. And so a firm agreement was made that official approval of the leaders. And it goes on. So, and it goes on to Nehemiah chapter 10. And the reason why it was so important to read majority of Nehemiah nine is because you see, we don't want history to repeat itself. We don't want. The body of Christ or this nation to not obey God, to not listen to his prophets, not listen to his word, his instructions or his law, not listen to his covenant that he has given to us.

It's faithful to perform that covenant. And yes, he is merciful and time and time again, even though his people didn't deserve it. His deliverance and deserve their answered prayers. He still did it. God is still a God that delivers. He's still the God that hears the cries of his people and delivers them out of it all in Psalm 34 and verse 17 and 19.

We have to get out all that doubt, all that worry, all that unbelief that God's not going to do anything. And that God cannot deliver our nation back into our hands and send us a leader to do it. It's anointed and pointed by God. Again, a leader can only do so much without God's help, but with God's help, they're unlimited.

And so we, as a nation and as a body of Christ all over this world have to not be our stubborn, bullheaded and rebellious ancestors by not trusting in God, no matter what we see. No matter what we hear, no matter what we face, no matter what we, what our senses are telling us. Our five physical senses are telling us to give up and quit and, and give in and, and stop fighting because it's a, an endless fight that's never going to change.

But that's not what God says at all. In this, that chapter, it's so beautiful because even though they didn't deserve it, God was always there to bring him out of it. We have to know that God is faithful. Turn, all right I gotta get back to this works and it's a long one. Hebrews 6 and verse 18 I'm not gonna go through all of what I normally go through cuz I got to go back with this prophetic word because it's long And there's a lot of information in it.

Hebrews 6 18. Remember God has given us two unchangeable things Now God, when he's given us those two unchangeable things, what are they? His promise and his oath. They're unchangeable. That means they are never going to change. He's given us his promise and he's given us an oath. In which it's impossible for God ever to prove false or deceive us.

That means God can't lie. We have fled to him for refuge and might have mighty and dwelling strength and strong encouragement to grasp and hold fast the hope appointed for us. And set before us, verse 19, now that we have this hope and as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, it cannot slip, it cannot break down under whatever steps out upon it.

A hope that reaches farther and enters in the very certainty of the presence within the veil. We have two unchangeable things, God's promise and his oath. God has promised to deliver us and God has promised that he cannot lie and he will. Perform his word. We have to get to know the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Get to know the God that delivered his people out of the hand of the Egyptians. Not only do we have to get to know him, but we need to start trusting in him that he is a God that will serve justice, that he is a God of righteousness, that he is a God that will keep his promises to a thousand generations.

Again, that means us.

All right, let's go back over this word again.

Okay. A great shaking is coming to the justice department. Woe to those in the United States justice department. You think you can hide behind. Your crimes, sorry, you think you can hide your crimes behind your closed doors and your twisted version of the law. You think you are safe because of your positions, your power, and the ones who gave you those seats.

So again, he's talking about how they've hid their crimes Behind their closed doors and their twisted version of the law. It's not the law that they're using. It's their version of the law to protect themselves. And it's going to come crashing down because again, God's the God of justice. They think because they're the justice department of this country and the highest, you know, the highest, Part of that, they rule the Justice Department, right?

It doesn't matter. God is saying, that's not gonna happen. Even with the justices on the Supreme Court that are not there. They're, they're, they're there, but they're not there because of God. They're gonna wish they were on God's side, because again, God always serves justice. How he's going to do it, I have no idea.

But he will remove them. He'll remove anybody who is against him. He talks about that in Psalm 75 verse 7. Because he's a judge over all the earth. A great shake up will take place in your department for not only this nation to see but for all the world to see. I'm exposing and removing Merrick Garland but I will expose and remove everyone who is against me and this nation.

A whistleblower is coming to wipe out your plans and So real justice can be served by me. I told you enemies of almighty God, your time and power is about to expire. Say it, the Lord of hosts. Now he has had many different prophetic words regarding Merrick Garland. You know, Merrick Garland thinks he's okay.

Just sitting in that plushy seat of his. Where he thinks he can do whatever he wants and twist the law. However, he wants to twist it and hide behind all this stuff that he's trying to hide behind and God said, it ain't going to happen. It doesn't matter. Their position of power. It doesn't matter if a person is a president.

It doesn't matter if a person is a King. Does it matter if a person is a head of a country of a, like a Pharaoh? It doesn't matter their role. It doesn't matter their power. It doesn't matter their seat because they will have their coming defeat. Doesn't matter the seat that they're in because what's gonna happen to them is defeat and God is saying look documents emails phone conversations surveillance footage text messages all of these secret conversations and Secret deals made by the White House now again He's exposing the White House again pulled off by the House of Representatives the Senate the AG's offices

And offices, it doesn't say AG's office, Attorney General offices, so that could be all the AG's around in the states of this country too, because there's offices. Then he says the FBI, the CIA, and every, every deal and every steal.

It's all been a setup and a lie and we'll all be proven who the real criminals are. There'll be no hiding or denying it enemies of this nation. Judgment is about to hit your places where you sit in those seats of control, where you choose who lives and who dies, twisting the truth that fit your narrative and protect yourselves.

You go after everyone who is a threat to you and your crimes, your businesses, your crime bosses and their families. You will all fall. No one will be left standing who is against me or this nation. Now, again, if you look, you say, well, that's impossible. Look at Pharaoh and his army. It looked impossible for them, too.

God took them all out in one fell swoop. That was it. It wasn't hard for God. They kept pursuing God's people. God allowed them to pursue God's people for their ultimate destruction. And they never saw that trap. They never saw their destruction coming because they were so arrogant. Pharaoh and his men thought they were more powerful, and they thought their army was bigger, and that they were just, they saw the Israelites as their slaves, and they were weak.

And they didn't trust in their God and they were ultimately wrong. I'm sure they regretted it when the walls of the Red Sea were coming down on them, but it was too late. Then he says, hold on my children for document after document, video after video, phone call after phone call, email after email. Now he's mentioning the servers again.

Their servers will be shown on how they kept it off record and, and off the books. How they pulled so much off for so long. As all this truth comes pouring out, they will try distractions and chaos. But remember who wins and who loses. Your enemies are coming down never to be in the positions of power again.

That's not true. Okay. Go read the book of Exodus and then go read also in the book of Psalms.

Psalms 37, Psalm 33, Psalm 9. Go read some of those chapters. God has given us those scriptures over and over again.

Now he's mentioning Jack Smith. Jack Smith will be exposed to his directions and the instructions from the White House. So now he's telling ya, he's gotten directions and instructions, and they came in directly from the White House, on how to prosecute and how to proceed against my David, and it will all blow up.

A whistleblower is coming to crash the party, to prove who is behind these indictments, and the classified documents scandal is about to blow wide open, not against my David. But the ones who set him up. So again, it says in God's word, you reap what you sow. They've reaped corruption and they will receive it.

And he's saying, again, a whistleblower is going to come to crash the party. Remember what God said a couple days ago, he was going to crash the party because they're celebrating and they're all happy with their verdict. They thought they got those rulings and those verdicts are nothing and will not stand.

Against almighty god. They won't god can change that in a second, but things have to play out We just have to be patient now The classified documents are about to be a nightmare For the ones in dc and the establishment Classified documents are about to be a nightmare For the ones in Washington, D. C.

and the establishment. Remember, they tried to make classified documents a nightmare for President Trump. And now he's saying those classified documents are going to be a nightmare to them.

Some documents have been declassified. Now that's a, that's a key right there. Some documents have been declassified that are about to be seen by the public, destroying their narrative and the Deep State from proceeding with their next moves forward. It's all coming crashing down like a house of cards.

God's talked about their, their, their house of cards for a long time. I think he gave a prophetic word like two or two and a half years ago about their house of cards coming down. And he says it again. Now he's mentioning Fannie Willis, Fannie Willis. There is more to her story and her connection, her payoffs and her instructions.

So now we're going to start hearing more about the backside of the Fannie Willis story. We've started to see some of that start to fall apart, which Scott said it was going to and it has, well, they've, they've allowed certain things to come out and then they try to hide other things. And it's not going to work.

These doors are about to be open with what are open wide in Georgia to show who the real criminals are. We're going to start seeing who the real criminals are, not the ones that they've said are the criminals. They said all enemies in every state are about to wish they never went through with their plans against my David or this nation.

And those people, he's talking about people that were in charge of elections. In every state.

So again, it doesn't matter what it looks like. It doesn't matter. God is not dumb. What's happened to our last presidential election or the previous ones that they decided to select some people instead of elections. And that's the reason why when president Trump won in 2016, they were flabbergasted. They were foaming at the mouth.

They became angry. They became showing themselves who they really were because they were petrified because their plans didn't work. They thought they had fail safes for Hillary getting in and it didn't work. Because God didn't allow it that time. Now, bank records, bank accounts are about to be in the news for a significant reason.

Many people who were paid to steal the 2020 election and along with other elections are about to be exposed everywhere. Slip ups and massive mistakes and cover ups did not work. They intimidated, threatened anyone and everyone who was on to them that knew the truth that would destroy them all. So they tried to put out many fires to hide their treasonous acts, but they couldn't hide them all no matter how smart they think they are.

People have made major mistakes over the years and these mistakes are about to be exposed. So watch Bank records and bank accounts come out exposing what has happened in our nation Because remember god's been telling us for the last couple years to follow the money I 2020 and your elections and what they have done I've been doing for so long, it's all going to collapse.

I've allowed them to steal certain ones, but now it's time for the big reveal, saith the Lord. So again, he's allowed them to steal certain ones. For the big reveal. So God allowed certain things to happen for us to see certain things, because when the enemy thinks that they have everything exactly the way they want, they become more arrogant.

When we become more arrogant and prideful, they make more mistakes because pride. Comes before fall

a death in the white house Had been covered up and that cover up is about to be uncovered for the world to see Now, I don't know exactly what this is and what this exactly means i'm not going to try to put a spin on it I don't want you guys to put a spin on it. You just pray about it, but a death in the white house had Been covered up.

It's past tense. It's already happened and that cover up is about to be uncovered You for the world to see. Now this name Kosinski the, I think I'm pronouncing that right, Kosinski, it's KOS or K os, yeah. K-O-S-I-N-S-K-I. This name will be in your news for a significant reason. Sometimes I hear names.

I don't know. I've never heard these, some of these names before. So I'm guessing at the spelling. All right. Now, my children, I told you to watch your waters. I have repeatedly said the Atlantic ocean, many things are taking place that have been hidden from you, but will soon be seen what was hiding in your waters.

off your coasts. So again, God's talking about the Atlantic Ocean again, and he's talking about things have been hidden off of our coasts. Then he mentions a spy balloon. A spy balloon will be in your news for a significant reason. I will reveal to the nation how it has been using your skies. To destroy you and spy on you and bring down your nation.

So how our government has used our skies above us to spy on us. Now we started to see, remember that coverup of that Chinese spy balloon. And apparently there were several of them. We only seen one of them because that's when the news reported on it and they stopped reporting on them. But there had been more that had been seen.

And God is saying a spy balloon will be in your news for a significant reason So there's a lot more things that we are going to see that they've been doing on the skies above us And of course spy planes and every other thing that they're trying to use Then he says your enemies now listen your enemies have crossed your border Have been in the skies above you have been the waters surrounding you have infiltrated your government's military churches Medical industry, food industry, your corporations, everything you see, everything in your nation, they have been hiding underground and in tunnels, and some have been hiding in plain sight that still act just like you when they are your enemies.

You ask, Lord, how can we overcome all of this? As soon as I heard these things. I heard it was like people asking, Lord, how do we overcome this? That's why Lord had me put this on there because as soon he knows how you're going to respond to a prophetic word. And that's why they'll have a question in here and then he'll answer that question.

That way, if people are asking these questions, you're gonna have the immediate answer of how God's gonna respond to that question. My children, don't you see? Yet, all you need is me. So, don't you see yet? All you need is me. I can wipe it all out in a day. My hand is moving to destroy all their plans and their armies are nothing compared to my army and my power against them.

Just like Pharaoh's army was nothing against God's army, okay? And all the other kings and pharaohs and everybody else that try to go up against god They're nothing against god and neither are these people

i'm your answer to every problem I am saving this nation and the nations around the world from these globalists and murderers Keep standing on my word keep trusting in me and you will see I am your deliverer And your victory and that you are right around the corner. Save the lord your redeemer. So our victory It's right in our deliverance, it's right around the corner.

Now, when I heard that word SCAT, now I'm going to look this up, okay? S, I don't know if it's S C A T or S K A T. Let's look up this word.

Let's see here.

So it could mean, it looks like it could mean many different things. South Pacific Combat Air Transport Command. Acronym. It could be there's a lot of different things. Self contained above ground tank for diesel fuel storage. It looks like there's a lot of different military terms that could be used for.

Hmm. Okay. So it looks like it's, it's S C A T. I bet. I don't know. It could be S K A T. I'm not sure. Let's see if that changes anything.

Yeah. It looks like if it's, I think it's S C A T. Because S K A T is like a board game, but he said something about the military, so it doesn't, that doesn't look like it would be S K A T, it looks like S C A T, but it's an abbreviation, it's abbreviations. Must be abbreviation for something. I don't know.

Like I said, when he heard it and he kept saying it to me over and over again, I'm like, I don't know what that is. I've never heard of it before, but he kept saying it like five or six times. I'm like, okay, I'll write it down. This military term will be in your news for a significant reason. So that's an abbreviation or something.

I don't know. Anyway, an air traffic controller will be in your news for a shocking reason. And so just pay attention to air traffic controller. Cause I know there's a lot of stuff that's going on. That's been up with airlines. That is going to be exposed. So I will tell you when you're hearing prophetic words, there are times there are names you've never heard before.

There are abbreviations or there are phrases that you've never heard before. God knows that they are, but I'm only a human being. I don't know all of these things. And sometimes it doesn't matter if I know it or not. I just say what god needs me to say and I just give it to you and he'll just he'll show us what it is.

So if everybody's asking about it now, then he said you haven't heard all yet regarding boeing So we're gonna start hearing more about boeing again Many more secrets are about to be revealed that will not end be hidden, or, they will not hide, sorry, they will not hide all they have been up to, to cover up for what they have been paid to do against you.

So, they have been, Boeing had been paid to do things against you. Against us is what God has been saying. So now if they have been paid to do something against us, then God's saying he's going to reveal What Boeing and what they have been doing now, remember two of their whistleblowers had Epstein themselves not That doesn't happen like that.

How do they think people thought that they you know could get away with that and that That we weren't smart enough to figure that out. I don't know. But They whatever they're covering up. It ain't gonna work. So Boeing watch for them to be in the news again Sabotage this word will be in your news repeatedly showing you things that you had been were told were accidents Were not accidents at all.

So again Sabotage you're gonna keep seeing that word another port We'll be in your news for a significant reason because another incident will take place and I will reveal who paid them was behind them all, who, who was behind them all. So watch a port that's going to be in the news, like a port or harbor to be in the news.

There's an incident is going to take place. Remember all of a sudden, out of nowhere, ships just didn't know how to maneuver by bridge. It was the craziest thing in the world, but again, those are some of those events that were purposely done to cause chaos and disruptions. I think they're called black swan events, but i'm not really sure because again, I don't know some of those military terms But their events caused on purpose that look like they're accidents and god is saying that that's they weren't accidents at all And he's gonna show you another one is about to take place.

So look for something to happen in a port I don't know if it's regarding gonna be regarding another cargo ship or whatever it is But god is saying something is going to happen with the bridge, whatever. I don't know We'll see, but God is going to show us who is behind everything. So let's now I know I prayed for people in the beginning, but I just want, I want you guys to all be in agreement.

Let's pray for president Trump and his family. I want to pray over this nation. I want to pray for when all of this truth starts coming out, that people are able to receive it and not panic over some of these things that Are going to hear because this is a time where this is a great intensity. Okay.

We're in a time, a very pivotal moment, a time where things are going to increase and everybody needs to be on their a game, including our leaders and who God has chosen. So heavenly father, right now in Jesus name, all of president Trump and his family to you. And I thank you, father, God, first of all, for their protection.

I want to thank you for leading them and guiding them in the right direction and that. The steps moving forward that they have to make. I thank you, Father God, that you send laborers into their path. I thank you, Father God, that they will listen and h

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