2 months ago

This is an educational video & presentation by USA Justice - Doctor David E Martin, explaining exposing HISTORY of this man made maniac Pandemic from DARPA Pentagon Intelligence. Addicted to Cycles of War death, bloodshed. In 2005 secret cult meetings to discuss a synthetic injection poison was planned. Today, over 17million people are Deceased & Millions injured & disabled by neonazi white Extremist eugenist psychopaths. Where is Justice to hold Nuremberg Trials 2024 to 2025 a have them ALL Arrested, Trialed & H____ or lethal injected, for war crimes against Humanity.
Note: 3.41mins " We Found A Virus that could find Your Bank Account, Insurance Policy Premiums". Or Track Your HIGH YIELD Security Bonds & Stocks, Track your private Estates of Lands, Properties & Resources & Food & Water Supplies for invading raiding by criminal cartel. This confirms WHITE Collared Crime has escalated 500% breaching 100% of their own crimes act - for NZ-UK-Aust-USA-Can Commonwealth nations enslaved & corrupt courts-banks-police-politcians-media-medical military involved in Evil genocide by bank robbers, grave robbers & gold diggers.
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